The Amazing Atheist

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shai Gar
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Shai Gar


This guy is awesome. This thread is for AmazingAtheist videos.

Last video I was sure he was an ENTP. This time, I know it.
Pretty boring... lol Its funny how he thinks his hair and beard look good.. ha ha haa
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Same here, I don't get what all his subscribers (97,000 now) see in him...

The internet is loaded with basement dwellers like him, and you know what they say, misery loves company.
Some of his best videos had to taken off his channel when YouTube started cracking down on vulgarity. I can't find my favorite one. :(
He ought to have his own website.

And there should be a video program that you can use to embed videos in your website without using a social networking site that has rules.
Same here, I don't get what all his subscribers (97,000 now) see in him...
It's because he's a shock jock who likes to shout his opinion around and act all loud and "controversial", bitching about things in a crude and aggressive manner.

The fact that he doesn't have any valid points to actually make is irrelevant; he's just pandering to similarly minded people who also want to justify their own passive-aggressive attitudes like he does.

"If other people think like me and agree with me, then I must definitely be right in what I believe."

He's a try-hard.
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I get his points, but he's too animated and loud and doesn't cite his resources enough to be taken seriously.
Passive Aggressive is the only type of aggressive society allows without being imprisoned.
Pisses me off when people use it as a backhand insult.

Would you prefer to have your knees broken and then your face repeatedly slammed into the curb? That's Active Aggression.
Passive Aggressive is the only type of aggressive society allows without being imprisoned.
Pisses me off when people use it as a backhand insult.

Would you prefer to have your knees broken and then your face repeatedly slammed into the curb? That's Active Aggression.
Passive aggressive is still aggressive.

I don't find any sort of aggressive attitude acceptable, unless it's to defend yourself.