The Charming Manipulator


find wisdom, build hope.
The kind of person that's probably what coming across the mind when thinking about 'people/girls/boys love bad boys'
The kind of person that has the manner of an aristocrat and the beliefs of a vagrant,
the kind of person who can push your buttons and crossed your lines and make it look like you're the one crossing the line,
the kind of person who can make you move around beyond your comfort zone while making it look like you're the one wanting it,

our worst (romantic/platonic) nightmare in regards to our ideals, and our ideals as a good person.

Have you ever met them?
Any experiences?
Oh yeah. I've have had two long term relationships with that type of person. Only, they didn't appear to be "bad boys" Well, one didn't. He "was" charming, successful, he came across as cultured, sophisticated, ethical, grounded and a family man.

All of it was a LIE. ALL OF IT. He was so subtle and clever with his manipulation...I had never been so mind f^cked and never will again. He was pure evil. I don't even talk about that one much anymore. The scars of that relationship...I will truly never ever be the same after that. I even had the signs of post traumatic stress, I had to go into therapy. Just the mention of his name would make me get instantly cold and start to shake...goosebumps in the middle of August. It was terrible that web I was caught in and I've yet to meet anyone so cruel. What a mess. I remember when it was over and I was finally free...I felt like Moses walking back from Mt. Sinai. Some things just change you.

Second one was just a true "bad boy". I mean, he wasn't a bad boy like you're probably thinking like prison. He was a history professor with tenure, who liked to sleep with his students. Students that were twenty years younger than him. He was so very up front about his past, and oh how he had changed he told me. He saw me as vulnerable because we met after I got out of the above relationship. That was my mistake. He had rescue fantasies when I didn't need to be rescued. I was so beautiful he told me. I was an angel. He idealized me and placed me in high places and I would soar up there only for him to rip me down to the depths of hell at a moments notice. It was so intense. He asked me to marry him, then threatened to beat the f*ck out of me days later because I laughed at a story he was telling when he thought I should have been upset. Thing was, I know how shocking that sounds but I was never scared by him and I never once believed for a second that he would physically hurt me. He wasn't pure evil. He was so broken. He was in an internal prison and had all the keys he needed but he would rather stand 9 ft tall than make himself small enough to get through the door so he could see! I honestly have never met someone so shattered on the inside that was still....GOOD under all of it. So shattered, and all the kings horses and all the kings men...
All of it was a LIE. ALL OF IT. He was so subtle and clever with his manipulation...I had never been so mind f^cked and never will again. He was pure evil. I don't even talk about that one much anymore. The scars of that relationship...I will truly never ever be the same after that. I even had the signs of post traumatic stress, I had to go into therapy. Just the mention of his name would make me get instantly cold and start to shake...goosebumps in the middle of August. It was terrible that web I was caught in and I've yet to meet anyone so cruel. What a mess. I remember when it was over and I was finally free...I felt like Moses walking back from Mt. Sinai. Some things just change you.

Second one was just a true "bad boy". I mean, he wasn't a bad boy like you're probably thinking like prison. He was a history professor with tenure, who liked to sleep with his students. Students that were twenty years younger than him. He was so very up front about his past, and oh how he had changed he told me. He saw me as vulnerable because we met after I got out of the above relationship. That was my mistake. He had rescue fantasies when I didn't need to be rescued. I was so beautiful he told me. I was an angel. He idealized me and placed me in high places and I would soar up there only for him to rip me down to the depths of hell at a moments notice. It was so intense. He asked me to marry him, then threatened to beat the f*ck out of me days later because I laughed at a story he was telling when he thought I should have been upset. Thing was, I know how shocking that sounds but I was never scared by him and I never once believed for a second that he would physically hurt me. He wasn't pure evil. He was so broken. He was in an internal prison and had all the keys he needed but he would rather stand 9 ft tall than make himself small enough to get through the door so he could see! I honestly have never met someone so shattered on the inside that was still....GOOD under all of it. So shattered, and all the kings horses and all the kings men...
Yes, most people would say that bad boy = crime / dubious activity.
I'd like to think that it only takes a certain edginess, a certain vibe to give you that look and aura and charisma.
And pfft at the usual 'save me, rescue me' trap they gave and took. PFFT.
There tend to be that vibe, also; that 'deep down inside'.... the breaking of expectations and the shattering of hypothesis.

That's a whole lot of experience, Cindy. I'm sorry it had to happen and I hope they both gave you lessons and wisdom for your current and future happiness.
Would you want to talk more about it?
wow cindylou , i know what you wrote was something serious, i completely understand and empathize, but the way you wrote it was very beautiful . I can tell it made you a whole lot stronger , congrats on getting through that i know it wasn't easy as matter's of the heart never are..
Funny ...

... I usually catch this type of people before they do whatever they do.
I've been called that myself by many of my women friends who ended up misunderstanding my intentions of getting close to them. I seem to get into trouble over time as I get closer and closer to them. I personally don't go in there with the intention of charming and manipulating them for my selfish self-benefit ... It just happens over time as I get deeper and deeper into their worlds.

I can't help myself when I'm around the other gender, or even the non dichotmous gender - trans men/women and cross dressers fascinate me just as much, they all fascinate me. Every word out of their mouths is seductive and I find myself drawn to people I have chemistry with.

The problem is, and where the misunderstandings happen, is that for me it's not in a romantic sense or with a romantic/physical self-interest whatsoever, especially since I'm usually, always committed to my romantic love interest.

I'm much more interested in getting to know the core of the person. What makes them tick. Why do they exist .. what their desires and dreams, hopes and wishes are and get them to express them to me. Sharing/participating in someone else's life makes mine less intolerable.

Just being in the presence of another person [mostly women, yes] lights up my life. The other gender is honestly what keeps me grounded to reality, otherwise I probably would never speak to anyone at all. Of course, I'm not completely crazy as I sound. I try to maintain a healthy balance in all my relationships - just that the ones I have with my women friends are infinitely more satisfying than the ones I have with others.
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Yes, most people would say that bad boy = crime / dubious activity.
I'd like to think that it only takes a certain edginess, a certain vibe to give you that look and aura and charisma.
And pfft at the usual 'save me, rescue me' trap they gave and took. PFFT.
There tend to be that vibe, also; that 'deep down inside'.... the breaking of expectations and the shattering of hypothesis.

That's a whole lot of experience, Cindy. I'm sorry it had to happen and I hope they both gave you lessons and wisdom for your current and future happiness.
Would you want to talk more about it?

It was just a small chunk of my life. I don't think its a pattern that will continue. I married right out of college to a good man and lost years of real world experience that others had...I just forgot about how the world was. I never attracted that type of man until that one relationship damaged me, then I became damaged and started to attract damaged men.

I pursued the first one. I saw him and wanted him and set out to get him. I got exactly what I deserved. I shouldn't have done it, but I thought he might be intimidated by me, he was 10 years older than I was and on the "nerdy" side so I presented myself as sorta vulnerable and pathetic...easy to get and lonely when that wasn't really the case. I wanted him to feel like he was still "catching" me, when I was really pulling all the strings. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. He was extremely intelligent, and I was impressed with his level of education and military service. I should have put the dots together, the time frames didn't add up and his words didn't add up but I didn't catch it at first, I just believed he was a good man and I wanted that person to be true soooo bad that I ignored several things. I made myself willfully naive. Once I got him he idealized me and it felt wonderful. I was hoooooked! Then, came the abuse and I had no idea what was happening to me. By then I was done. Done..any normal woman would have left and not stuck around for what was to come but...traumatic bonding...his claws were in me and he tortured me. It was hell on earth and there was no idealizing ever again. Nothing but little crumbs here and there just to keep my brain chemistry all effed up:

The body is programmed to release a series of chemicals at times of actual or perceived danger and times when traumatic memories are triggered. These chemicals are intended to help us respond in ways which will aid our survival, whether we "fight" the threat, "flee" from the threat, or "freeze" to prevent attack or deaden the pain from the inevitable attack. However, when traumatic events are completely overwhelming, are repeated too often, or are constantly triggered the very chemicals that are meant to help us begin to do harm to our bodies. For both men and women, repeated trauma or the repeated triggering of a trauma will actually teach our brains to be in a constant state of "fight, flight or freeze." As our brains are use-dependent, if they are constantly used to respond to trauma, that response becomes a person's "normal state", (Perry, 1997 & Carnes, 1997). For those who are stuck in a trauma bond, the trauma chemistry creates new brain pathways and becomes "normal" to the victims. Further, women are particularly susceptible to bonding to those who traumatize them. Women have their very own mixed blessing in the form of oxytocin. Oxytocin is referred to as the bonding hormone and is the chemical that starts the birth process. It is the reason any woman has a second child, as it prevents memory consolidation. If we were to fully remember the pain of childbirth, it is unlikely that we would repeat the experience. It is one of nature's ways of ensuring the continuation of our species. Oxytocin peaks for about 20 minutes after birth, which is why it has been advised to let a new mother be in physical contact with her baby during that time period, as it is critical to bonding.
While oxytocin is a great idea for childbirth, it's a liability for any abuse victim. If someone is violent to a woman, oxytocin is released and she will be less likely to have a consolidated memory of the abuse and she is very likely going to bond to her abuser. If there is no consolidated memory of the abuse, it is very hard to think and act rationally about the event. If the abuser is the only one present after the abuse, the victim is likely to form a stronger bond to him.

Its the only way I can explain how I stayed, as I was a woman with self respect...why did I keep coming back for more? I showed all the signs of PTSD. I got myself into therapy and made a plan of escape with the least amount of trauma to myself possible. I slowly began to untie the mental knots he had around me and began to slowly make my way through the web I was so firmly implanted. I studied as much as I could about psychology, pathological psychology, abuse, evil, and human behavior in general so I could observe what was happening...but I got even sicker. His control over me disappeared but I stuck around just a little bit longer because for whatever reason...i was I was witnessing human evil. I observed it with this knowledge for several months, more than half of a year. Now that I knew what he was, I knew how to manipulate him and I did. I turned into the abuser a little bit although it was never really cruel...I just considered him my lab rat at that point. My little case study. I knew all of his defenses and all of his tricks. I got a glimpse into the mind of a sociopath... I don't even talk about the details of the darkness of it because I'm afraid. I don't want to even experience the feelings of it again to really type it out or even go there. I'm just not ready to really get into that one. It will drain the hell out of me and when I'm done typing this I need to get back to work. Even thinking about going into it gives me the creeps. Have you ever got close to someone only to realize there is nothing, absolutely nothing on the inside? The walking dead. A living vampire. Vampires have all but lost their appeal. Women out there think the idea of vampire is so so so sexy...touch rotting flesh lately? Want to have sex with a dead, cold corpse? Its the same idea to me mentally to get involved with a man like that. It is the same repulsion and ick factor of an actual dead person.

Poor man #2 comes along...I still had/have PTS symptoms and I analyzed his behavior, poor guy. He was charming and extremely manipulative and controlling but I knew it. I went in with both eyes open, and he was 99% completely honest with me about his past, he didn't sugar coat who he was...I still chose to stick around. I don't feel things quite like I should anymore which is why the intense relationship with him was so satisfying (as was the sex) I enjoyed almost every minute of it. I noticed his push/pull behavior right away. I remember kinda smiling to myself when I first noticed the behavior and how good it felt to feel that little bit of pain..the rush...sit back and enjoy the ride, Cindy. I knew he was a high-functioning borderline before he told me he was diagnosed. Isn't it crazy I still stuck around after that? I was for SURE SURE SURE when I texted him goodbye once and he responded with "Is that some kind of suicide threat" lol, who thinks goodbye means I want to DIE? Lol, I knew his mindset. I got to view his primitive defense mechanisms and got to find out who he really least who he thought he was by his projections during his rage episodes. I never took any of it personally, though I would pretend I would. "How could you treat me so terribly!"..I'd say after he verbally abused me. Is it really abuse if you don't feel abused? I would bask in the idealization phase and then like the rush of a roller coaster just sit back and experience the pain and the rush of the devaluation phase. Then, unfortunately I heard one projection... "you don't love me and you never will". I knew deep down in my heart that this man didn't really love me, he was addicted to me and what he had wasn't really love. I was ready to be healthy again but I knew I was still addicted to the rush and the flooding of chemicals that this relationship was providing me. He said to me once "I have ruined you. No one will ever love you like I've loved you and you know it. No one will ever satisfy you like I do." and that scared me because I knew if I stuck around too long there was a possibility that could be the truth! If I stuck around too long, would my brain be so changed that I had to be in that dynamic forever? I tried so hard to get him to get help for his borderline and he was in treatment but man...his ego was huge, his superego way over developed. I would see a glimpse here and there of the real man underneath it all only to get gobbled up by the dark of his own defenses and the demons of his egos. I imagine that is what hell is like sometimes...hell for the sociopath deserved; hell for the borderline an unfortunate but a chosen path. Its not like that path is going to lead anywhere else, but he won't get off it. At this point I believe it was a conscious decision to stay on the path, as he knows what is right but just doesn't DO IT. I knew I had to get off it though; there was only one place that path went...there wasn't two destinations. There was only one destination on that road and I wasn't going there with him, even though I wanted to. He would say to me..."if you jump, I jump!" and and I believed the same..if he was going to fall, then I will too. It was like the type of love that was in movies...or songs...but does anyone really really go through with jumping with that person?

The lyrics to the song "without you" by breaking benjamin is an exact replica of the emotions of that relationship

All I have is one last chance
I won't turn my back on you
Take my hand, drag me down
If you fall then I will too
And I can't save what's left of you

Swallow me under and pull me apart
I understand, there's nothing left
Pain so familiar and close to the heart
No more, no less, I won't forget

Come back down, save yourself
I can't find my way to you
And I can't bear to face the truth

Holding the hand that holds me down
I forgive you, forget you, the end
Holding the hand that holds me down
I forgive you, forget you, the end

Or I was Alice and He was Humpty Dumpty...I, Alice knowing the outcome of poor Humpty.

'Why do you sit out here all alone?' said Alice, not wishing to begin an argument.
'Why, because there's nobody with me!' cried Humpty Dumpty. 'Did you think I didn't know the answer to that? Ask another.'
'Don't you think you'd be safer down on the ground?' Alice went on, not with any idea of making another riddle, but simply in her good-natured anxiety for the queer creature. 'That wall is so very narrow!'
'What tremendously easy riddles you ask!' Humpty Dumpty growled out. 'Of course I don't think so! Why, if ever I did fall off — which there's no chance of — but if I did —' Here he pursed up his lips, and looked so solemn and grand that Alice could hardly help laughing. 'If I did fall,' he went on, 'the King has promised me — ah, you may turn pale, if you like! You didn't think I was going to say that, did you? The King has promised me — with his very own mouth — to — to —'
'To send all his horses and all his men,' Alice interrupted, rather unwisely.
'Now I declare that's too bad!' Humpty Dumpty cried, breaking into a sudden passion. 'You've been listening at doors — and behind trees — and down chimneys — or you couldn't have known it!'
'I haven't indeed!' Alice said very gently. 'It's in a book.'

'Ah, well! They may write such things in a book,' Humpty Dumpty said in a calmer tone. 'That's what you call a History of England, that is. Now, take a good look at me! I'm one that has spoken to a King, Iam: mayhap you'll never see such another: and, to show you I'm not proud, you may shake hands with me!' And he grinned almost from ear to ear, as he leant forwards (and as nearly as possible fell off the wall in doing so) and offered Alice his hand. She watched him a little anxiously as she took it. 'If he smiled much more the ends of his mouth might meet behind,' she thought: 'And then I don't know what would happen to his head! I'm afraid it would come off!'
'Yes, all his horses and all his men,' Humpty Dumpty went on. 'They'd pick me up again in a minute, they would!

And that is that. Its over. He's broken and all the kings horses and all the kings men...we know the end.

Wow...that was cheaper than psychotherapy. I don't really expect anyone to read all of that that but it felt good to type all of that out...for whatever reason. Just a small portion of my life, just a little bit of it. It does not define my relationships, I've had more normal healthy relationships than I have unhealthy. It just is what it is.

I don't think this pattern will continue. I chose to be with both men, but it isn't a lifelong pattern, at least not yet. Most of the men I've been with have been good, and I'm not in the least bit bitter towards men at all. I wasnt' looking for anythign serious when i was with these guys, I was looking for fun. Had I only allowed myself to date with a forever mindset...I would have never dated those men.

Anyway...that felt good...I think I'm done.
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Wow...that was cheaper than psychotherapy. I don't really expect anyone to read all of that that but it felt good to type all of that out...for whatever reason. Just a small portion of my life, just a little bit of it. It does not define my relationships, I've had more normal healthy relationships than I have unhealthy. It just is what it is.

I don't think this pattern will continue. I chose to be with both men, but it isn't a lifelong pattern, at least not yet. Most of the men I've been with have been good, and I'm not in the least bit bitter towards men at all.

Anyway...that felt good...I think I'm done.
That was an intense, strong story you'd told. I thank you for your willingness and courage to tell these experience of yours.

There's a lot I agreed with you-- but what I can say with personal sympathy is that yes, entering by our own volition can make such strangling trap sometimes; prison made from our own decisions. Especially with pulling strings of our own-- playing the games. Sometimes with our own method, sometimes with theirs.

.....It does make a fun game, isn't it? A fun challenge that we thought we were entering on our own-- a perceived self-meditated destruction of our own being.

I cannot fathom the abuses you received... whether subtle or direct. And there seemed to be a pedestal involved-- a tower by that point perhaps. Tower of masks, mists, and mirrors. That shows you falling-- again and again and again...

It is interesting though, that in both cases you described, there seemed to be mutual 'fantasies' running on both you and the men-- by the time the shit rains.

There seemed to be some implications in your words that the first one was 'intentional', while the second guy was more or less, a 'product', so to speak. Am I correct in surmising this?
And personally, I'm glad that you're learning a lot and I wish the pattern won't continue. *hugs*
I've had no such luck, or lack thereof, mostly because I cut off anyone as quickly as possible when they show early warning signs of douchebaggery.
That was an intense, strong story you'd told. I thank you for your willingness and courage to tell these experience of yours.

There's a lot I agreed with you-- but what I can say with personal sympathy is that yes, entering by our own volition can make such strangling trap sometimes; prison made from our own decisions. Especially with pulling strings of our own-- playing the games. Sometimes with our own method, sometimes with theirs.

.....It does make a fun game, isn't it? A fun challenge that we thought we were entering on our own-- a perceived self-meditated destruction of our own being.

I cannot fathom the abuses you received... whether subtle or direct. And there seemed to be a pedestal involved-- a tower by that point perhaps. Tower of masks, mists, and mirrors. That shows you falling-- again and again and again...

It is interesting though, that in both cases you described, there seemed to be mutual 'fantasies' running on both you and the men-- by the time the shit rains.

There seemed to be some implications in your words that the first one was 'intentional', while the second guy was more or less, a 'product', so to speak. Am I correct in surmising this?
And personally, I'm glad that you're learning a lot and I wish the pattern won't continue. *hugs*

Sorry I made your thread my therapy couch! haha...I am though, sorry.

Yes, you're correct the first one was intentional; the second one a product. I fell for the idealization; the pedestal.

Now, I don't look for what other people might look for. I keep an eye out for that pedestal. That is how The Charming Manipulator gets you.

[MENTION=5753]Brodskizzle[/MENTION] they don't show you their true selves for a long time. The mask doesn't slip until you're hooked. I don't think we are talking about normal everyday douchebaggery.

I noticed the way the OP of the bad boys thread was talking about women, but I also noticed how he idealized INFJs. See how he reacted with over the top anger when reality hit him in the face or when faced with his own reflection? He wanted someone to reflect to him what he thought of himself...not what he was. He wanted a sweet, hippy, kind INFJ to do that for him. Mabye even a Jesus-y chick I bet. Some good girl that will nag him to do the right thing. Oh god. That is crazy to the extreme, Ive never seen it happen that fast. Unstable.
Sorry I made your thread my therapy couch! haha...I am though, sorry.
No problem at all! :D
Yes, you're correct the first one was intentional; the second one a product. I fell for the idealization; the pedestal.

Now, I don't look for what other people might look for. I keep an eye out for that pedestal. That is how The Charming Manipulator gets you.
From my perspective; the thing about pedestal is that it's a reflection of our ideals; what we want to be, what we want to have..
Thus why I said above, they are oftentimes a nightmare; fiendish reflections of what we want to be-- and sometimes, who we are.

It's also one technique commonly used by Pick Up Artists, no? Negging.. :|

@Brodskizzle they don't show you their true selves for a long time. The mask doesn't slip until you're hooked. I don't think we are talking about normal everyday douchebaggery.
Yes. The general douchebaggery is quick to seen-- quick to run away from. They are blatant. They are aggressive. Neither are we talking about sociopathy, btw.
These particular type are more complex. Conscious or not, they are more subtle in expressing themselves. You might see them being douchey, building your standard and expectations; then suddenly there are times when they appeared...human. It gave them shades, complexity, a sense of 'looking beyond their covers'-- as well as destroying your standard and expectations. Blurring alarms we might have had once.

And the difference is that they did it in certain momentum-- doing it so well it looked natural, like they have no intentions behind.

They had depth-- and not false depth, either. Sometimes they are more complex, more interesting than other people. But it often times dangerous...swamplike in their attempts to swallow us.

They know when and where to drop their own masks.
I noticed the way the OP of the bad boys thread was talking about women, but I also noticed how he idealized INFJs. See how he reacted with over the top anger when reality hit him in the face or when faced with his own reflection? He wanted someone to reflect to him what he thought of himself...not what he was. He wanted a sweet, hippy, kind INFJ to do that for him. Mabye even a Jesus-y chick I bet. Some good girl that will nag him to do the right thing. Oh god. That is crazy to the extreme, Ive never seen it happen that fast. Unstable.
Yes, this is quite disturbing.
I think at some point we have all played the charming manipulator the only difference is most of us do it out of curiosity , a way of getting to know someone in deep detail, like Darkly Detached said, But the only thing is some people have a different reason for it, a darker one . We become attracted to such people i feel because it represents a part in ourselves , the part that is tempting but we dare not act out unless and only in cases of survival, but these people take this is there main focus , they become so addicted to the games and chemical charges they get from it that they become it in whole and lose the better side of themselves.

It's not to say they don't have a good side to them because we wouldnt have been able to see that good side if they didn't, they are just stuck in a sort of bizarro oppsite of who we are, we engage in the better half but still have that dark side and them in the darkside but still have a slight of light in them, if they haven't been totally consumed by it or forgotten the good in themselves,

as you said cindylou you seduced the 2nd guy,
now hear me out for a second perhaps you did it because it was your unconscious mind trying to learn something about yourself or about the first guy you encountered . like the reference you used about humpdy dumpy to put all the pieces together. Because i have been there too so i'm speaking from experience so i understand , and i have come to learn we cannot deny that side of ourselves, it's there for a reason but nor can we ever let it take the wheel and drive , it's to always keep it as a side seat driver ,but like a side seat driver it might see what we cannot. So we shouldn't ignore it. Its very reason could be to keep us away from a perhaps worst type of dark person , or to perhaps save someone that is in that situation . like its said evil can only beat evil .

so it was a lesson in there that you might not have mentioned or did not spot , as everything is a lesson in some form life is the school and we are it's students, i would like to think of our personality types are beings of light like archangels, but with that being said if we are beings of light then there are beings of darkness, the very creature who have tormented us growing in life because we have yet to understand ourselves fully having no one to mirror feedback off of and always wondering why do we keep being drawn to these types of people ,

i like to believe everything has a reason even if it is in the law of randomness , because our spirits needing to become whole to do what we are here for .

Most of the world seem's to fall right in the middle of us and them , so perhaps its up to us to help where we can and in whatever form we find our talents in , we are the rare few who can go through these types of things and remained unchanged at the core , yeah a little shaken and sometime's lost when we forget ourselves but once we know what's going on we know how to snap out of it and regain control , our falls are no more then lessons to make us stronger.

which is why if we didn't learn we always repeat it over and over until we get out of the emotional high of it and start learning from it, because that emotional high has a pleasure beyond measures that we feel (our personality types )beyond what anyone else can and we end up in a Stockholm syndrome falling in love with our capture's . Yet even with the hurt of it and its beautiful pain we know in our hearts we can handle ourselves , and when we had enough that's when we start learning , not everyone can do that as easily , because all we need is some time away alone to regroup to realize what is was , because our need to learn & our desire for personal attention .

it was said somewhere it take's two in a lie for us to be lied to we had to want to be lied to , to believe the lie to feel i guess human like everyone else , because with our gifts we can see right past all that bs anyone can throw at us , trauma make's us stronger unlike most people who allows it to make them weaker , as long as we have alone time and some kind of outlet to put all that into everything ends up okay. Shit after seeming to know everything it become's fun to be wrong or to be duped ,like a dark joke we play on ourselves , but again that's my experience and take from it , the fact that you can vent it out shows just how much your growing and if that type of person ever come's around again you know the game you know the rule's and you become the master if you choose to play , but for you to become a master you must be the slave first ...
I think at some point we have all played the charming manipulator the only difference is most of us do it out of curiosity , a way of getting to know someone in deep detail, like Darkly Detached said.
True. Not all (in fact, few of them least I'd like to hope to be so) act in pure malice.
Some might do it out of curiosity.
Some do it out of defense.
Some do it because that's the only thing they know.

I'd say there are differences when looking at it detachedly and closely; it's like accidental vs premeditated car crash.
But when we're inside that storm? When we're directly dealing with it? When we're also (or the one) playing that game?

Hoo boy.
But the only thing is some people have a different reason for it, a darker one .
Personally speaking, also true; although there would be shades of darkness..
Even if all we want is to know them-- dissecting them and their thoughts. I'd say there's also an ideal to do it eloquently-- to leave no (at least lasting) damage, no? Hell is paved with good intentions, they said.

We become attracted to such people i feel because it represents a part in ourselves , the part that is tempting but we dare not act out unless and only in cases of survival, but these people take this is there main focus , they become so addicted to the games and chemical charges they get from it that they become it in whole and lose the better side of themselves.
Agreed. Part of this is forbidden fruit; another part, hidden parts of us. Another one is that part that's oh so familiar to us-- parts we might find idealized-- parts we might find as true.

It's not to say they don't have a good side to them because we wouldnt have been able to see that good side if they didn't, they are just stuck in a sort of bizarro oppsite of who we are, we engage in the better half but still have that dark side and them in the darkside but still have a slight of light in them, if they haven't been totally consumed by it or forgotten the good in themselves,
I think there's a certain different type of attraction (Shadow Attraction) within this particular case; that said, I can see how it might be applied here.
After all, what else would be interesting other than something we understand enough to know, but not knowing enough to understand?

so it was a lesson in there that you might not have mentioned or did not spot , as everything is a lesson in some form life is the school and we are it's students, i would like to think of our personality types are beings of light like archangels, but with that being said if we are beings of light then there are beings of darkness, the very creature who have tormented us growing in life because we have yet to understand ourselves fully having no one to mirror feedback off of and always wondering why do we keep being drawn to these types of people ,
It was both our aversion to the demons; and our attempts to be the angels, that lead us into falling again, and again, and again; no?
I'm sure there are interesting valuable things for me to add to this thread, and maybe when I get my thoughts together, I'll add them.

For now, I'm just really overwhelmed with the need to thank you guys for sharing all of this... all of these parts of you and insight and wisdom about stuff that makes us (individuals, I mean, not just INFJs) us whether we wish it or not.

Thank you.
I think at some point we have all played the charming manipulator the only difference is most of us do it out of curiosity , a way of getting to know someone in deep detail, like Darkly Detached said, But the only thing is some people have a different reason for it, a darker one . We become attracted to such people i feel because it represents a part in ourselves , the part that is tempting but we dare not act out unless and only in cases of survival, but these people take this is there main focus , they become so addicted to the games and chemical charges they get from it that they become it in whole and lose the better side of themselves.

It's not to say they don't have a good side to them because we wouldnt have been able to see that good side if they didn't, they are just stuck in a sort of bizarro oppsite of who we are, we engage in the better half but still have that dark side and them in the darkside but still have a slight of light in them, if they haven't been totally consumed by it or forgotten the good in themselves,

as you said cindylou you seduced the 2nd guy,
now hear me out for a second perhaps you did it because it was your unconscious mind trying to learn something about yourself or about the first guy you encountered . like the reference you used about humpdy dumpy to put all the pieces together. Because i have been there too so i'm speaking from experience so i understand , and i have come to learn we cannot deny that side of ourselves, it's there for a reason but nor can we ever let it take the wheel and drive , it's to always keep it as a side seat driver ,but like a side seat driver it might see what we cannot. So we shouldn't ignore it. Its very reason could be to keep us away from a perhaps worst type of dark person , or to perhaps save someone that is in that situation . like its said evil can only beat evil .

so it was a lesson in there that you might not have mentioned or did not spot , as everything is a lesson in some form life is the school and we are it's students, i would like to think of our personality types are beings of light like archangels, but with that being said if we are beings of light then there are beings of darkness, the very creature who have tormented us growing in life because we have yet to understand ourselves fully having no one to mirror feedback off of and always wondering why do we keep being drawn to these types of people ,

i like to believe everything has a reason even if it is in the law of randomness , because our spirits needing to become whole to do what we are here for .

Most of the world seem's to fall right in the middle of us and them , so perhaps its up to us to help where we can and in whatever form we find our talents in , we are the rare few who can go through these types of things and remained unchanged at the core , yeah a little shaken and sometime's lost when we forget ourselves but once we know what's going on we know how to snap out of it and regain control , our falls are no more then lessons to make us stronger.

which is why if we didn't learn we always repeat it over and over until we get out of the emotional high of it and start learning from it, because that emotional high has a pleasure beyond measures that we feel (our personality types )beyond what anyone else can and we end up in a Stockholm syndrome falling in love with our capture's . Yet even with the hurt of it and its beautiful pain we know in our hearts we can handle ourselves , and when we had enough that's when we start learning , not everyone can do that as easily , because all we need is some time away alone to regroup to realize what is was , because our need to learn & our desire for personal attention .

it was said somewhere it take's two in a lie for us to be lied to we had to want to be lied to , to believe the lie to feel i guess human like everyone else , because with our gifts we can see right past all that bs anyone can throw at us , trauma make's us stronger unlike most people who allows it to make them weaker , as long as we have alone time and some kind of outlet to put all that into everything ends up okay. Shit after seeming to know everything it become's fun to be wrong or to be duped ,like a dark joke we play on ourselves , but again that's my experience and take from it , the fact that you can vent it out shows just how much your growing and if that type of person ever come's around again you know the game you know the rule's and you become the master if you choose to play , but for you to become a master you must be the slave first ...

Thank you for the thoughtful response. I did feel silly, kinda shameful and really vulnerable after typing all that so I didn't come back for a little bit.

I've given that a lot of thought. I don't know what my lessons are. I've taken some of the stuff I've learned and applied it at work; I've run into some Charming Manipulators in my line of work. I've learned some interesting things about myself. Like, when I catch someone in a lie. If its a small lie I don't want to call them on it if I care about them because I feel their embarrassment and shame in advance and it burns so I don't do it. What is that? I have no guts. I sometimes wonder if I really am an INFJ but I keep getting that result over and over again for over a decade. I read the description and there are parts that don't seem to fit the past couple of years.
True. Not all (in fact, few of them least I'd like to hope to be so) act in pure malice.
Some might do it out of curiosity.
Some do it out of defense.
Some do it because that's the only thing they know.

I'd say there are differences when looking at it detachedly and closely; it's like accidental vs premeditated car crash.
But when we're inside that storm? When we're directly dealing with it? When we're also (or the one) playing that game?

Hoo boy.

Personally speaking, also true; although there would be shades of darkness..
Even if all we want is to know them-- dissecting them and their thoughts. I'd say there's also an ideal to do it eloquently-- to leave no (at least lasting) damage, no? Hell is paved with good intentions, they said.

Agreed. Part of this is forbidden fruit; another part, hidden parts of us. Another one is that part that's oh so familiar to us-- parts we might find idealized-- parts we might find as true.

I think there's a certain different type of attraction (Shadow Attraction) within this particular case; that said, I can see how it might be applied here.
After all, what else would be interesting other than something we understand enough to know, but not knowing enough to understand?

It was both our aversion to the demons; and our attempts to be the angels, that lead us into falling again, and again, and again; no?

Shadow attraction?

I can relate to your entire post. I wanted to be someone's angel. I wanted to be worshiped. Talk about forbidden fruit! The idealization fed into my own narcissism, narcissism I didn't realize I had. It's like...okay you think I'm sh*t right now..lets get back to the part where you think I'm awesome then I'll leave...but its hard to leave when you're being idealized because it feels so good yet it triggers shame to leave when you're being devalued by them and you're stuck in some complex mind games all at once.
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Shadow attraction?
It's attraction to types of people that embodies the thing we want...The other part of shadow repulsion; distaste against people that embodies the things we are against.
First, shadow. We have things that in our personality that we 'don't have'. Whether it's lacking ("I wish I could be more extroverted and confident") or out of rejection ("I would NEVER be manipulative.") Most often, those traits are the opposite of who we are presenting ourselves as / persona. (thus why in MBTI terms, the most common form of shadow would be a flipping of cognitive functions; INFJ (NiFeTiSe) becoming ESTP, or ENFP (NeFiTeSi))
Now shadow attraction deals with those gaps in our personality; as Jungians would've said. We feel we're lacking on those traits. Ideals, completion, balancing, realization. And we look outside...For someone possessing that trait. And for those who did, they appeared as very, VERY glorious. It's a mixture of admiration, longing, jealousy, and obsession. A combination of ideals and hopes, in physical form.Thus why they are often referred as 'golden shadow'; it's the diamond that shines after smoothing the crudest rock.

But more often than not, they also possess traits that are essentially, the opposite of who we are..and we saw those traits as negative (crude, as opposed to polite; loud, to silent; brash, to gentle). Secretly, we have those traits...but we reject them, we don't want to admit them. So we project those ugly qualities of ours to them-- projecting our emotions, our distaste of our own ugliness to them. Sometimes with a hefty amount of self-denial and self-glorifying ("I would NEVER do that!"). This is shadow repulsion.
The most common form of romance; opposites attract.

I would suggest you to look around Google, if you'd like to find more. There should have been some topics here, but strangely I could only find a little; here they are:

I can relate to your entire post. I wanted to be someone's angel. I wanted to be worshiped. Talk about forbidden fruit! The idealization fed into my own narcissism, narcissism I didn't realize I had. It's like...okay you think I'm sh*t right now..lets get back to the part where you think I'm awesome then I'll leave...but its hard to leave when you're being idealized because it feels so good yet it triggers shame to leave when you're being devalued by them and you're stuck in some complex mind games all at once.
I'd think narcissism is a word too strong. We all have ideals-- we don't need to be a narcissist to have those.
And I agreed. It's also a bit of a gambler's fallacy, now that I think about it..?
Trifoilum , well said i love the part about shadow attraction , i would love to borrow that concept it was a personal aha the word says it all well done:m096:,and cindylou do not feel ashamed in any way ,because i needed this conversation too , and from what i see tere is no doubt about you being a infj. Now to say you have no guts i find that hard to belive because you just shared something very personal ,

that takes more guts then most even dare to show, i find infjs or atleast myself to have more courage then most people we just have the problem of being way to polite, because we or i still follow the rule treat people how we want to be treated is all , when in this world it seem we need to treat people how they treat us when we see they are playing unfair and learn how to not feel guilty after ,

which is where that shadow attraction is learning the traits in other we dont have like Trifoilum said. thank you guys i know this was cindylous post but it's giveing me much personal clouser thank you very much:mhula:
The kind of person that's probably what coming across the mind when thinking about 'people/girls/boys love bad boys'
The kind of person that has the manner of an aristocrat and the beliefs of a vagrant,
the kind of person who can push your buttons and crossed your lines and make it look like you're the one crossing the line,
the kind of person who can make you move around beyond your comfort zone while making it look like you're the one wanting it,

our worst (romantic/platonic) nightmare in regards to our ideals, and our ideals as a good person.

Have you ever met them?
Any experiences?

Yeah, I know I guy like this.
Their power is only with the weak and unexperienced minds. They get power by the ignorance of people. People who have't passed the "worship" level in their maturity. They are stuck in worshiping other people, they are impresionable, easily changed and amazed by any impression, by any appearence. Their whole charm consist in creating the illusion of power and total control of the enviroment. Of course, their game doesn't work with mature people.