The Hunger Games


On Holiday
What did you think about the Hunger Games? Did you read the book, watch film, or both?

Rate it on a scale of 1-10

1 being extremely wack

5 being okay

and 10 being extremely dope
I think the books were an 8. The movie a 7. The book made me want to shoot something with a bow and arrow for about a week.
I saw the film. It was a 6 only because they didnt explain enough back story. Had potential to be a 8.
agree. never read the books but the film was a 6. It was weak on background and too shallowly constructed. weak script. not well developed. I hope catching fire does a better job. justification for the violence was not very well explained or clearly introduced.
I think I'll read the book before seeing the movie. Otherwise I would've already seen the movie. Had the chance at least twice.

I love dystopian shit so it'll appeal to the rabid fangirl in me regardless. Dystopian theme assures it an automatic 7 if they do it right.
I think I'll read the book before seeing the movie. Otherwise I would've already seen the movie. Had the chance at least twice.

I love dystopian shit so it'll appeal to the rabid fangirl in me regardless. Dystopian theme assures it an automatic 7 if they do it right.

Unpersons, you should def read it before watching the movie OR the trailers. That way you can let your imagination do it's thang. The book is dope, I don't usually read fiction so I didn't have much to compare to. But I still liked it nonetheless.

The book is very visual and you get to know the characters very well. It's hard to fit a super dense book into a 2 1/2 hour movie and that is why the movie sucked. Also the first half of the book is a little slow because they are establishing characters and history that will be applied to the next three books. So it might seem slow but be patient because they are setting up for the next 750+- pages.
I guess I'll try to find it in ebook form or see if anyone I know has it...
I guess for me it was a 10- in the way that I could completely relate to the main character. Like her, my mom sunk into a serious depression and I had to take care of my little brother. Like her, I don't relate to many people, and have confidence, but a very hard time reading the opposite sex. I also want to take care of and nurture those I see as weaker than myself, like she did with Rue, and Prim. Katniss is always seen as fierce, and withdrawn, and perhaps even slow/space-cadet, you can't tell what she's thinking, and I am like that too. I am also always worried about people seeing/finding weakness in me that they can exploit.

So in the sense that I can relate to the book's character more than I relate to anyone, I loved the book.
I just read the books; haven't seen the movie. I'd give the books - a 7ish/10 - The story was good/decent, but the writing was a bit "sloppy" at times.
Does anyone think Katniss was an INFJ? I thought about it, but I didn't come up with anything conclusive. (I saw the movie but didn't read the book)
Does anyone think Katniss was an INFJ? I thought about it, but I didn't come up with anything conclusive. (I saw the movie but didn't read the book)

Definitely introverted, but my guess would have to be sensor... not getting much of an intuitive vibe - she seems very "solid" - not dreamy, very "in the moment". (Just my opinion anyway)
I really like the books and the movie. I'm really looking forward to the next one. I like how the whole thing is, really, more about the overthrowing of entire establishment responsible for the games as well as the way things are finally brought to an end. As far as typing characters, hmmm. Let's see. Maybe;
Katniss, INTJ
Prim, INFP
Gale, ENTP
Peta, ENFJ
Hamich, ENTP