The Newsroom


I put on my robe and wizard hat.
So, I'm a little behind everyone else it would seem, but I just started watching this new HBO series.

What does everyone else think about it?

Albeit a little corny at times (ie. the last 15 minutes of the pilot) I'm finding it fairly refreshing. The first show I've seen in a while where the characters actually seem likeable/have potential.
I've been watching it. So far, I like it.

Character development and background storylines are nothing new and kind of predictable, but I can handle that as long as they keep the main plot and content original.

I am still trying to wrap my head around this whole newsreporting/journalsim thing.
I confess that I automatically get turned off by the hype. HBO promo'd it so much I vowed not to watch it...
So, I wish someone would have warned me. Was enjoying watching a show that wasn't about drugs, hospitals or the police force...that was somewhat refreshing/mildly new.

Then I got to the latest episode about Bin Laden. Think I just might puke. I'm lactose intolerant, you see.
First episode was great, though the show seems a bit silly. Saw the first 3 episodes, kinda got old fast. Like watching House, though House had more staying power through multiple seasons. Yeah, these people are godly at what they do (journalism and doctoring, respectively), and there's some drama in the mix, but it eventually feels like it's recycling itself at a certain point. The drama is predictable, the news stories are old - we've actually lived through them, and the fact that they are supposed to be honest reporters is added cynical frosting on the soap [opera] cake this show is. But yes, refreshing for a little while.

8/10 for me.