THE PASCHAL RESURRECTION THREAD for Christians, Inquirers, and spiritual contributiors :) :) :)


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3 days in the Tomb starting yesterday.....taken down from the Cross

Direct from my Hometown, Houston.....!
Shrouded Jesus is carried on the shoulders of the Priest , in immitation of Joseph of Aramathea....
in procession to His Tomb....
we the faithful, follow as did the Mother of God, Mary Magdalene and Nicodemus

my love goes out to all fellow Christians in my hometown as the great Pascha draws near.

[ame=""]YouTube - Good Friday @ St. Gregorios Orthodox Church Houston[/ame]
And elsewhere accross the States, in yet another Orthodox tongue....His Shroud is placed within a flowered Bier
and His Lamentations chanted

[ame=""]YouTube - Orthodox Hymns ترتيل Good Friday hymns 1[/ame]
Another Beautiful Song

the little-known "Song of Two Thieves"

[ame=""]YouTube - Song of Two Thieves[/ame]
Thus the Lord Jesus was handed over to the soldiers, was stripped of His garments, was clothed in a purple robe, was crowned with a wreath of thorns, had a reed placed in His hand as though it were a sceptre, was bowed before in mockery, was spat upon, and was buffeted in the face and on the head. Then they again clothed Him in His own garments, and bearing the cross, He came to Golgotha, a place of condemnation, and there, about the third hour, He was crucified between two thieves.

Although both blasphemed Him at the first, the thief at His right hand repented, and said: "Remember me, O Lord, when Thou comest in Thy Kingdom," to which our Saviour answered, "Today shalt thou be with Me in Paradise." As He hung upon the Cross, He was blasphemed by those who were passing by, was mocked by the high priests, and by the soldiers was given vinegar to drink mixed with gall. About the ninth hour, He cried out with a loud voice, saying, "It is finished." And the Lamb of God "Which taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1:29) expired on the day when the moon was full, and at the hour when, according to the Law, was slain the Passover lamb, which was established as a type of Him in the time of Moses.

Even lifeless creation mourned the death of the Master, and it trembled and was altered out of fear. Yet, even though the Maker of creation was already dead, they pierced Him in His immaculate side, and forthwith came there out Blood and Water. Finally, at about the setting of the sun, Joseph of Arimathea came with Nicodemus (both of them had been secret disciples of Jesus), and they took down the all-holy Body of the Teacher from the Cross and anointed it with aromatic spices, and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth. When they had buried Him in a new tomb, they rolled a great stone over its entrance.

Such are the dread and saving sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ commemorated today, and in remembrance of them, we have received the Apostolic commandment that a fast be observed every Friday.

---- Reading copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, used by permission. All rights reserved
Getting Ready for the Paschal Fire......

[ame=""]YouTube - Holy Fire Miracle: Christians unite in Easter celebrations[/ame]
....And elsewhere tonight in NYC, in the Greek tongue of my Archdiocese, my same beloved service....
(and me missing my friends at St. John the Baptist Church SO to all!!).......
xronia polla kai KALI ANASTASI my brothers and sisters of the Archdiocese!
(aren't the decorations pretty?! everyone gets a blessed flower to take home!)

the parade takes place down the streets of Astoria, Queens.....

([ame=""]YouTube - Pascha 2010 (Pt. 1)[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - How Deep the Father's Love for Us (w/ on-screen lyrics)[/ame]
Holy Saturday Morning

....after transforming into the complete Tomb which we decorated the night before.....the sleeping Church wakes, along with all the righteous who preceded Christ and fell asleep in the Bosom of Abraham when they died...... He Descends into Hades to announce the Good News of the Kingdom of God and to raise fallen Adam and Eve from their original transgressions! Our Lord becomes trans-dimensional in His saving power: "In the body, in the Tomb -- in the soul, descended in Hades ---in the Spirit, upon the throne with the Father."

These people are making a great din in the Church while the Priest scatters laurel leaves of victory over the faithful, who have not yet broken the Lenten Fast! The large and small chandeliers are "spinning" (or, waving in the air) to show the great joy of the Universe (like the stars and planets and everything in the Cosmos) rejoicing that Christ has already descended like lightning to illumine every corner of Hades.

Holy Communion is given, and these families will return for the Midnight Service to cry "Christ is Risen!" and bring their families' special holiday meals to be blessed after 40 days of abstinence from all animal products.

[ame=""]YouTube - Arise O God and Judge the Earth - Greek Orthodox Holy Saturday 2010[/ame]
Holy Saturday Morning Liturgy is over

....and time to go back to the house :car: for the finishing touches on preparation of tomorrow's Feastday food! :clap2:

What appetizers do we make sure we have? :grouphug:

[ame=""]YouTube - Athenos hummus commercial[/ame]
How to Roast a Whole Lamb!

A Pascha essential to the meal in many European countries.

[ame=""]YouTube - Greek style lamb roast on a spit[/ame]
Traditional Pascha Bread from Greece; if you cannot make it in time contact your local Greek bakery!
They are sold all over the place in great quantities.

[ame=""]YouTube - Traditional Greek Easter Bread[/ame]
Dying Eggs

In Many Eastern Orthodox countries only Red Eggs are served at Pascha.
The egg, instead of reflecting pagan tradition, hearkens back to a true occurance on Jesus's way to the Cross.
The tradition of the red egg first occurred when Jesus was sentenced to death by His own people, the Jews.
"His blood be upon us and our children!" they cried as Pontius Pilate asked whether Jesus should be crucified.

One of the many miracles and signs occuring along the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem was that as Jesus passed,
all eggs in the homes of those who sentenced Him to death turned blood red.

But today the Pascha egg has 3 meanings: the outer shell as His Crucifixion, the inner boiled white as His Tomb, and the golden yoke, His Kingship and Rising in glory from the dead.

Christ bearing the Good News and raising up Adam and Eve in the depths of Hades; Hades is shown bound, with the doors and locks of eternity broken and cast down underneath His feet.....

In the meantime...

After our lamb has finished roasting...*mmmm...smells good!...trying to wait to eat it!*......

(is my good outfit ready to wear yet? Do these shoes match???!!!! Are the kids up from their nap yet, and getting dressed?........Does everyone have the food we are taking to Church?????!... Where is our lantern to take along with our candles??!.....ah there they are! quick.........)

......on the other side of the world, in Jerusalem, a feverish pitch of joy is mounting near the site of Christ's Tomb! Faithful followers from all over the world have come to see this Midnight Service, where the miracle of the Holy Paschal Fire takes place each year. Masses of Christians of every denomination try as best they can to take their places early before the service begins......

[ame=""]YouTube - Orthodox Christians See the Light[/ame]
The Patriarch of Jerusalem and his entourage of assisting clergy "are in the house" and masses of Church flags adorned with Saints icons file by as people make way for those who will hold the services in Christ's Tomb.

"Axios.....Axios!" the crowd of faithful cry "he is worthy....he is worthy!" as they see the one man approaching who is appointed to recite the holy prayers that invoke the Paschal blessing....the one man who, year after year, is blessed in his duty to carry out so great a priviledge......

[ame=""]YouTube - Holy Fire 2010 holy Grave light part 1[/ame]
What is the "Holy Fire"?

What is the "Holy Fire"? And why have we never heard of it before?
( I certainly didn't, as a Roman Catholic believer, 21 years ago!)

An official explanation:
The Proof that this miracle is real

Despite sustained controversy over the closed door of the Tomb during the service, before ANY service is held, Israeli authorities inspect the Holy Site of Christ's Ressurrection and the candles being used and the oil lamps being used for anything fraudulent.
The Fire has 2 Messages

Not only is the Holy Fire a miracle in its appearing - never lighting up the same candles and lamps in the same direction in the Church - the Holy Fire is Christ's symbol of Himself and His mercifulness as Savior. For exacly 33 minutes after its divine ignition, the Holy Fire burns cool, as an Uncreated light of God. The Holy Fire never burns the hands, faces, hair or clothing of the recipient until after the 33 minutes have passed (symbolising the years Christ lived upon earth.) Then the Fire converts into normal, earthy fire that can burn the bearer.

Yet another proof that this miracle IS NOT A FRAUD, but a God-sent message to all mankind.

[ame=""]YouTube - Jesus is the light of the world[/ame]'s time to leave! :clock: and on our way to the Church......:car:
[ame=""]YouTube - My Big fat greek wedding - Give me any word, and I show you how the root is greek...[/ame]