The Pinnacle of Ubergeekery

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If there is more geekiness on the planet at this very moment, I have no idea where it could be.

The Columbus Starcraft 2 Championships on MLG...

These guys have sportscasters SCREAMING as they commentate about their game, with a CROWD so invested in this game that they are speechless when one of these players ragequits...

Pause on the crowd reaction.

Pause on the commentator who is trying not to laugh.

Oh man... hysterical on so many levels...

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Idra quits a potentially won game vs mma‬‏[/ame]

Part 2...

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪[MLG-Col] Idra Vs MMA ** IDRA GG's EARLY! **‬‏[/ame]

Disposal income may not causate but often correlates with ubergeekery.
I still haven't played this yet; I'm afraid it'll make my macbook melt its way to the core of the planet.
For an alternative dose of geekery, EVE Online Alliance Tournament IX is underway (weekends) right now. I tried all morning to find a particular match from a couple years ago to post here, but it is eluding me and I have work to do.