The process of dying


Capitalist pig
I'm currently "seeing out" the family dog. I wasn't particularly close to this dog so it's not a personal experience, but I feel a certain gravity to the experience of going through the dying process.

So I wanted to talk about it.

What are your experiences with the process of dying and have you helped anybody with their final exit? I don't mean did you help kill somebody- I mean being their for somebody in their last days as they do exit life.

All I feel I can do is try to be there and offer as much comfort as I can. Hoping that people can go out with as much dignity as possible.
My upper mid range narcissist ex wife's dad was terminally ill, and I was tasked with being one of his caretakers. I am not kidding that I think I was the only one in his entire life who had been compassionate and caring with him. His extreme intelligence was why my ex turned into an upper mid range whereas his widow is a middle mid range. It was one of those life lessons much too profound to explain in words.

Years later now, I believe in reincarnation, so I don't look at it as going out but rather as leveling up to the next round. I hope to see him again in this life or my next.