The Thick of It


Permanent Fixture
This is a British television show, and was first broadcast in 2005 and ended in 2012. It ran for 4 seasons which included a two-part special in 2007. It's basically a comedy which satirizes the inner-life of the modern-day British government, and the relationship between the party spin-doctors, the media, the civil servants, ministers and the public perception. It sounds complicated, and does get the ball rolling straight from the first episode so you have to listen very carefully to the dialogue in order to understand the humour. However, if you do a bit of basic research on the system of the British government, you'll understand and appreciate the humour and the characters significantly. Peter Capaldi plays the main role of the PM's Director of Communications or 'Spin Doctor' in the show.

For those that don't know: MP = Minister of Parliament. PM = Prime Minister. Civil Servant = Persons responsible for handling communication between the Minister and the media, but strictly prohibited to influencing party political matters.

Director of Communications = Appointed by the Prime Minister and reports directly to him, this job's role is to make sure each Cabinet Minister and his/her department maintains an image to the media which is specific to the party's agenda. It was introduced under Tony Blair's 'New Labour' government in 1997, and is designed to control information which can only be shared to journalists if the Prime Minister (or his/her chiefs of staff) approves.

(If you have seen the show 'Veep', you'll notice it's very similar. That's because it was produced by the same people, just set in Washington's political landscape).

I'll make this an official 'gif thread'. But feel free to discuss it and whatever episode you watch and give me your take on the show. Add pictures and whatever, too. No holds barred.

P.S. - Doctor Who fans can leave, we don't need you constantly shouting "OMG HE'S THE DOCTOR!" every time you see Peter Capaldi's face.

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