Mike S
The single biggest and most time consuming thing in my life is my quest to understand truth. I was raised in a 'christian' family with strict parents. My parents both were catholic when first married in 1975. Instead of going through every detail which could take a long time, I will quickly brush over the circumstances in my life that got me where I a today. My father was raped by a catholic priest when he was a boy from the ages of 8-11. His father, my grandpa, was raped by a priest as well. As a child my mom was extremely religious but converted from catholic to christian. The christianity that was practiced in my house was odd to say the least. My mom followed every televangelist she could find. Other than divulging all the oddities my mom practiced I will just say that I have never met anyone that dealt with what we had to as kids. About 10 years ago I began to read the Bible and started seeing inconsistencies between what the church taught and what the Bible said. This journey to find truth has been the hardest thing for me to deal with. If the Bible is true than every other religion is a lie. And if the Bible is a lie than everything I know is a lie. I need concrete answers. I need to be able to have absolute certainty. I don't understand how we can be created and just expected to know who God is and how to reach him. My quest for truth has worn me out. Maybe others can relate.