the utterly naked soul


Regular Poster
I've been haunted by someone over the last few years. He has forced me to see him (his inner self), by means of staring, and mirroring my movements, and facial expressions, with no time delay, with extreme accuracy. He seems to almost exaggurate his emotions, so that they are clearly visible to me. To me, somehow, but not to others, it's like trying to ignore a dancing ape in church. When I'm present, he behaves as though nothing else exists. He is a virtual stranger to me, as far as what conversations typically aquaint you with, as he is luke warm when I talk to him (which I originally initiated, only in attempts to defuse his intensity, but later, he initiated). Details of his lifestyle, and such, are a mystery to me, as most of this communication has been physical. He is a cop. It has been steadily intensifying. It hit a point where when with my husband! who is so sweetly loving to me, completely, without warning, caught my eye, then stared me so deeply in the eyes I felt like he had just disclosed his naked soul with entirety and in an instant somehow stripped any barrier I had around mine. I was floored, breathless, baffled. I started to well up with tears. Then he smiled at me with the deepest caress. After that, the next few encounters were once again, either sterile, or completely forthcoming in body language only. Smiling widely, blushing. But quick to end the interaction. And then, he just stopped coming to get his kids where I waited. Confronting me once since, circling me like a wolf, talking about something mundane, then when I thought he was gone, he snuck up behind me, standing in my intimate space, lurking like a shadow monster. I was paralysed with uncertainty. It's been 3 months. I don't trust this situation. I don't understand it. I feel like he is monitoring me somehow (I did catch him taking my plate numbers down). Is there a storm brewing, or can I let my apprehension go? I'm a woman of intense integrity. What is this? I feel sick. Can I reasure myself that he will let me be?
Sounds like stalking. Were it against me or mine, I'd talk to a lawyer just to know where I stand legally and to learn what to do if things worsen. One of the worst things about these situations is the insidious psychological stress that invades you. So, substitute objective advice for subjective fear. Talk to people, share your feelings and listen to their advice, make a plan and implement it.
Reminds me of this song.

[ame=""]YouTube - The Police - Every Breath You Take[/ame]

The irony of the band name.
What is this? I feel sick. Can I reasure myself that he will let me be?

No you can not, especially since he has taken down your plate number. Looks like a twisted game of passive aggressive power, an attempt to make you out to be the crazy one instead of him.

Tell your husband, report this dude, and keep your eyes open.

Good luck and be safe.
um yes...very creepy...

Definitely get some documentation down about the whole thing so that there is at least apaper trail that points to this guy so that if anything were to happen there's at least documentation that this has been going on.

other than that I don't really know what you could do since according to you there hasn't actually been any contact that could be considered unlawful.

self defense lessons?
Thankyou everyone for taking the time to read and reply. It's one of those, "swallow your pride, and ask via thread, threads, because this lump in my throat is too much, and I need to vent-ish, something er other.". Thankyou, for not making me feel like the idiot I feel for posting.
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