There is no age limit when it comes to love

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Elaborate people.

So far everyone's replies only have 1 word in them.
It could be her best option and choice. I wouldn't mind hearing some quotes from her. I hope she's happy, although I can't say she looks thrilled. There isn't always some ideal choice for people, so having security and temporal needs met by someone you can have some respect for can mean as much as being able to develop fully as a person and finding someone who shares your goals and who you feel a unique connection to on your own terms. We know the man wants children with her. I don't know what kinds of things she desires. Does she want children, a flower garden, an education?

There isn't one way of approaching age difference that applies in all situations from what I can tell. There does tend to be some correlation between older men seeking "child-brides" and women being in a subservient role. The husband takes on more of a parental role than an equal partnership. Cultures in which a woman's will and desire are not considered equal with men often have women marry quite early before they have a chance to develop independently into an autonomous adult. I've encountered a few ultra-conservative environments in which dating and marrying young girls was a bit more common than in the rest of U.S. society.

When Goethe was 74 he fell in love with an 18-year-old, Ulrike von Levetzow. There is something to be said for love transending age, but it can also be opportunistic in terms of keeping women in an unequal role.
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Thanks for your input here Julia.

I try to step away from my values /moral system when I read things like this.
Ok. umm . . . I don't know how to respond. So, he convinced her that she should marry him. Ok. Curious about her other options. Well, he can probably offer her a form of financial stability or social status she wouldn't otherwise have if she remained single.

But the media would have a field day if it were to happen in the West.

There may be respect, appreciation of opportunities, admiration for status, etc. but not sure if this love, or love the way we've come to define it today.

interesting story to say the least.
When Goethe was 74 he fell in love with an 18-year-old, Ulrike von Levetzow. There is something to be said for love transending age, but it can also be opportunistic in terms of keeping women in an unequal role.

That'd explain Margaret.

My grandfather was 8 years my grandmothers junior. (dads side)
My grandmother was 13 years my grandfathers junior. (mums side)

the relationships worked

Edit: I just read the article. That's disgusting. But you have to respect his pimping skills. If I get to 112, I want to go out fucking a 17 year old.
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When you pass a hundred years, you start the count over again. So he is in reality only 12.

A twelve year old who got a 17 year old?

What a playa
All I can say Just, no.

I mean, if she had enough moxie I could see it (re: Anna Nicole Smith and her billionaire) but just from seeing that picture she looks like a scared little girl who doesn't want this. She was pulling away from him in that photo! This was more about money than love, but...maybe her family will be set for life. :(
I don't think money justifies things like this.

If well 'sell our lives' (that's how I see it), what do we have left?