Thoughts on.....


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If everyone lived their life by, "And not a single "f()ck" was given." How would the world change?

Can you field this one?
If everyone lived their life by, "And not a single "f()ck" was given." How would the world change?

my guess is we wouldn't be here.
my guess is we wouldn't be here.

This is kind of my thought as well. I have to question why I enjoy the thought of it so much then. Sitting back and simply not giving an f anymore.
This is kind of my thought as well. I have to question why I enjoy the thought of it so much then. Sitting back and simply not giving an f anymore.

i think everyone goes through the not give a fuck phase once in a while.
I dunno, it seems rather impossible for people to give a fuck about generally nothing. Eventually some stressor will introduce itself that will force you to give some sort of fuck. Giving a fuck is a survival mechanism.
If everyone was depressed, and did not care about anything, the instinct driven individuals would displace the meaning driven ones.
If everyone was depressed, and did not care about anything, the instinct driven individuals would displace the meaning driven ones.

Interesting! Sounds like something that's kind of going on now...
We wouldn't have so many self-esteem problems, but everyone would be bigger dicks to each other.

Not that anyone would give a fuck.
Well a fuck can be more than a fuckton.

it can be a measure of care, of attention.

Or it can be an activity of procreating and/or fornicating a.k.a an action of inserting a phallic-shaped objects (usually genitals) to a hole (usually either vagina or the arsehole) to achieve pleasure (commonly for both parties)

So if it's the latter, then humanity will die after a generation or so.
But if it's the former...HMM.
Not caring about anything? Extreme nihilism. Gradual chaos, ending with mankind tearing itself apart.
Whatever happens it would take ages.

People would deny anything had changed and refuse to give a fuck about the critical lack of fucks in circulation
(referred to by fuckonomists as 'fuquidity').

Hyperinfucktion is not too much of a risk because that requires people to give a fuck enough to panic and produce too many fucks as a result.

Unless somehow scientists managed to separate the fuck itself from its emotional root and then we could create a synthetic fuck in a laboratory.
With the existence of natural fucks in the wild dwindling, we can give the most lucrative fuck-generating contracts to the big corporations who have none of their own to give.

"Give me control of a nations' fucks, and I don't give a fuck about fuckity fuck fuck" - Reginald Edward Peter Tillian.
Great more in depth answers, answered in an unexpected ways. Thank you all for taking the time to actually think about the question.

The truth is, I have actually considered the idea of sitting back and just not caring about anything anymore. What it would take, how to achieve it. In part because I have never been able to absorb emotion in a helpful or meaningful way. At least that I am aware of. Emotions early on on in my life, used to sweep me away to places where everything was alien and quite honestly, uncontrollable. To SURVIVE, to literally survive, I had to work at and find a way to control them. Love was a big one. I used to fall in love with every pretty girl I met and hell did that get me in trouble in more ways than one. A problem is I think, I got very good at controlling emotion once I knew how to do it. Maybe too good and have swung the complete opposite direction with it now. I literally see myself as having enough control over my...consciousness now to actually be able to "not give a fuck" about anything I if I really want. This idea is attractive for so many reasons. To completely get rid of my heart, something that has never served me well, doesn't seem like a bad idea on occasion.
Then everyone would eat each other literally and rape who ever they want and injure and kill whenever they want to.

There would be no cooperation between people which would lead to halt modern learning of any kind, including reading and writing.

We would be way worse than chimps, since they do give a fuck about each other.
I can see your point in wanting to distance yourself from overwhelming emotions, but not caring about anything is a rather extreme change (although I can see how that is appealing). I guess it in the end just comes to finding a balance between the two.
Not caring at all will give you the freedom of not feeling the need to care for others, having the mental ability of a psychopath will let you get what you want regardless what harm it will cause others. I'm guessing that it's close to impossible to change into such an extreme mindset without much particular trigger (such as a trauma), especially for someone previously being guided by their feelings a lot :P
Personally I recognize the need to find a way to control emotion to literally survive, it's something I've desperately needed to do throughout the years. Whenever I'm in an emotional situation I've learnt to analyze the situation before letting any feelings flow out. I view it logically/rationally before letting my thoughts/reaction take a full emotional turn. Sometimes it scares me how much I've been able to detach from my emotions (seeing as how much I was a slave under them earlier) but it's not impossible to do so. I'm still aware of all my fucks, and I give them when the situations calls for it, but I don't let them fuck with me :B