
Since my time I have been on this forum, I have noticed that the people here tend to be accepting or at least tolerant to a variety of issues such as homosexuality. I was really surprised to see all the support here.

Which brings me to ask, do you think type affects the level of tolerance we might have towards certain issues?

In my opinion Introverts tend to keep their internal views more to themselves and would appear to be more indifferent then an extrovert who might have a tendency or need to express their values.

Intuition correlates with the facet of openness, which includes liberality. Would this make an intuitive generally more tolerant then a person?

I have read various descriptions which describe NF's as accepting of others, do you find this generally descriptions true?
Since my time I have been on this forum, I have noticed that the people here tend to be accepting or at least tolerant to a variety of issues such as homosexuality. I was really surprised to see all the support here.

Which brings me to ask, do you think type affects the level of tolerance we might have towards certain issues?
I'm thinking the reverse; more like, the level of tolerance shaped within us put us into our types. I believed we aren't born into types, we are made and shaped into one.
In my opinion Introverts tend to keep their internal views more to themselves and would appear to be more indifferent then an extrovert who might have a tendency or need to express their values.
I half disagreed. Introverts in my country, as quiet and silent as they are, are pretty fixed against issues of say, homosexuality. I would say introversion didn't have any effect with people's values, nor would it make them appear 'more agreeable or indifferent' than other functions... But I agreed with your theory that it affected their expression or tendencies to express their opinion.
Intuition correlates with the facet of openness, which includes liberality. Would this make an intuitive generally more tolerant then a person?
I agreed..mostly. I think Intuitives are more open to possibilities, that life isn't all set in stone. But that doesn't mean all Intuitives will be tolerant in one aspect (say, for example, all Ns will accept homosexuality.)
I have read various descriptions which describe NF's as accepting of others, do you find this generally descriptions true?
yes. I agreed.
I don't know about other INF's - but I have the ability to put myself in someone's shoes easily. I can intuit what the other person is feeling and probably what they might be feeling but don't know it yet.
That allows me to be more empathetic with the people who come into my life who are in pain - which are most often the oppressed in some way. Perhaps that is what makes me accept most people as they are. I can feel their pain and realize we are all dealing with it in one way or another.
For some reason, I find that Ns, Ts, and Ps tend to be the most tolerant. Ts are less likely to object to something based on personal conviction rather than whether it actually creates problems, Ns are less likely to insist on tradition or a personal sense of disgust rather than the bigger picture, and Ps tend not to subscribe to externally based rule systems.

I/E doesn't seem to make a big difference.

Being the most tolerant isn't the same as being the most accepting, though. I think Fs are more accepting if they aren't "against" you, while Ts are more tolerant of everyone regardless of their feelings.
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