Top Eleven Favorite Actors


Not Afraid to Use His Beard
These are my Top Eleven Favorite Actors (because Top 10 Lists are for cowards). List yours and the reasons why.

In no particular order

* Paul Neuman--An all time classic. Eddie Felson, Cool Hand Luke, Butch Cassidy, Reggie Dunlop(Slap Shot), Henry Gondorff (The Sting), Frank Galvin (The Verdict), need I go on?

* Tom Cruise--He's a great actor who's brought a lot of great movies to life. But yes, he's still a freak in real life!

* Sean Connery--The voice, the wit, the charisma. Arnold wishes he were half as bad-ass as Sir Sean. Who else could be Indiana Jones' Dad? As an actor, he's "Untouchable".

* Harrison Ford--He's been in some of the biggest box office smashes of all time. The Star Wars Trilogy, Indiana Jone Series, American Graffiti, Witness, The Mosquito Cost---oh wait, forget that last one.

* Charlton Heston--He's been Moses, Ben-Hur, The Omega Man, Michelangelo, and don't forget Colonel George Taylor--"Get your hands off me, you Damn Dirty Ape!!

* Bill Murray--Yes, Bill Murray. A great body of work starting with SNL. He's been in a shit-load of funny movies: Caddy Shack, Ghostbusters, Stripes, Scrooged, and one of my all-time favs Groundhog Day.

* Val Kilmer--Try these on for size: Top Secret, Real Genius, Willow,Top Gun, The Doors, Batman Forever, Heat, and Tombstone--" I'll be your Huckleberry". His Doc Holiday rules!

*Clint Eastwood--Maybe the only other actor who is as bad-ass as Sir Sean. Classic on-screen roles include: Dirty Harry, Josey Wales, William Munny (Unforgiven), Private Kelly (Kellys' Heroes), and of course, the Man with No Name in five different Westerns--all classics.

* John Travolta--A guilty pleasure, maybe. But this guy just ozzes cool! Saturday Night Feaver,Grease, Urban Cowboy. He then disappeared, only to reappear to another generation as cool as ever: Pulp Fiction, Broken Arrow, Get Shorty, Wild Hogs. Hey, he's Vinnie Barbarino!

* Tom Hanks--His roles in Big, Splash, Philidelphia, A League of their Own, Sleepless in Seattle, Saving Private Ryan, Castaway, Toy Story, That Thing You Do, The Davinci Code, Forest Gump put him right up there with the all-time greats. Wow, even I didn't realize he had been in that many great movies!

* Morgan Freeman--A great voice and actor, his best work has actually been in supporting roles. In everything from Driving Miss Daisy, Robin Hood, Seven, The Shawshank Redemption, Unforgiven, Bruce Almighty, Batman Begins, and of course his Oscar winning role in Million Dollar Baby, he shines without hogging the spotlight.

Just missed the cut: Jack Nicolson, Johnny Depp, Jimmy Stewart, AL Pacino, Robert DeNiro, and Jim Carrey. Yeah, that makes it more than 11, but it's my list!
1. Paul Newman. Great actor, perfect package, classy guy.

2. Anthony Hopkins. Nobody tops him.

3. Johnny Depp. He created the best pirate ever! He can play any role.

4. Jack Nicholson. Everything he does is gold.

5. Leonardo DiCaprio. Not just a pretty boy.

6. Denzel Washington. I've never seen a Denzel movie that I didn't like. And he's soooo easy on the eyes.

7. Edward Norton. Love his intensity.

8. Ralph Fiennes. Although I find him a bit creepy I think he's brilliant.

9. John Malcovich. Creepy but brilliant as well.

10. Clive Owen. If he's in it I'll see it.

11. Tom Cruise. The Last Samurai and Jerry McGuire. Perfect.
Great list Sumone! We have a lot of overlap. If you don't want to list 11, just pick your own number, 5 or 7 or whatever. I won't call you a coward!!

Ok, edit--

Darn, not quite as much O/L as I though. Where was John Malcovich?? Still great!!
Last edited:
1. Johnny Depp (effortless brilliance)
2. Dustin Hoffman (charming, genuine)
3. Will Ferrell (very funny)
4. Adam Sandler (mostly very funny)
5. Sean Connery (warm, fatherly, knows how to use the voice)
6. Anthony Hopkins (curious old welsh man with sinister superiority)
7. Patrick Stewart (excellent Shakespearian actor, and Star Trek wasn't half bad)
8. Eddie Murphy (1980s hilarity - best to ignore recent output, apart from Donkey)
9. Val Kilmer (mostly for The Doors film)
10. Brad Pitt (much better actor than people give him credit for)
11. Clint Eastwood (old God, still great)
1. Johnny Depp (effortless brilliance)
2. Dustin Hoffman (charming, genuine)
3. Will Ferrell (very funny)
4. Adam Sandler (mostly very funny)
5. Sean Connery (warm, fatherly, knows how to use the voice)
6. Anthony Hopkins (curious old welsh man with sinister superiority)
7. Patrick Stewart (excellent Shakespearian actor, and Star Trek wasn't half bad)
8. Eddie Murphy (1980s hilarity - best to ignore recent output, apart from Donkey)
9. Val Kilmer (mostly for The Doors film)
10. Brad Pitt (much better actor than people give him credit for)
11. Clint Eastwood (old God, still great)

Another great list! Yes, Patrick Stewart--make it so! And Will Ferrell--let's go streakin' in the quad! And you are so right about Eddie Murphy. He used to be the shit! Donkey is really the only thing he's done in years that shows that. Nice Job!!!
11. Stephen Fry
10. Robert Picardo
09. Alexander Siddig
08. Colm Meany
07. Bill Murray (especially in Wes Anderson movies)
06. Harrison Ford
05. Patrick Stewart
04. Avery Brooks
03. Kenneth Brannagh
02. James Callis
01. Edward James Olmos
11 is very hard.. the ones that stick out to me are meryl streep..catherine deneuve, michelle pfeiffer. i always like their characters. i think most actors i like, it's not just the acting but also something in the voice and the face that makes a lasting impression on me. winona ryder, angelina jolie (when not in an action fim.. ie.girl,interrupted). sometimes nicole kidman, esp in the Others. audrey hepburn.
and for men... hmmmmmm...
In no order

  • Antony Hopkins
  • Morgan Freeman
  • Robert Downey Jnr
  • Patrick Stewert
  • Sean Connery
  • Kevin Costner
  • Mel Gibson
  • Alan Rickman
  • Denzel Washington
  • Shatner
  • James Spader
1. Johnny Depp: one of the few actors who can take any role and make me believe it is real. I loved "public enemies"
2. Anthony Hopkins: the other actor who can take any role and make me believe it is real
3. Mel Gibson: I love his movies as actor and director. Great choice!!!
4. Edward Norton: "painted veil" and "Kingdom of Heaven"
5. Keira Knightley: "Pride and Prejudice" and "the Dutches"
6. Leonardo Dicaprio: I admit, I was in love with im when I was 13
I don't have a list of my favourite actors just yet, but I do know my least favourite actor is Nicholas Cage. How is that guy still making movies? O_o
This is crazy difficult

1. Phillip Seymour Hoffman
2. Robin Williams
3. Peter Sarsgard
4. Morgan Freeman
5. Anthony Hopkins
6. Kevin Costner
7. John Malkovich
8. Jim Carrey
9. Kevin Spacey
10. Edward Norton
11. Laurence Fishburne
I'll probably feel the need to modify my list in the future, but here goes:

  • Tom Cruise
  • Matt Damon
  • Daniel Day-Lewis
  • Johnny Depp
  • Clint Eastwood
  • Philip Seymour Hoffman
  • Ian McKellen
  • Edward Norton
  • Joaquin Phoenix
  • Denzel Washington
  • Forest Whitaker
Those are just current ones. It's tough to compare the actors of decades past.
I don't have a list of my favourite actors just yet, but I do know my least favourite actor is Nicholas Cage. How is that guy still making movies? O_o
He never should have been given the chance. He ruins everyone movie he's in for me and my friends can't understand my disgust for him.
I think my friends might be stupid.
I don't have a list of my favourite actors just yet, but I do know my least favourite actor is Nicholas Cage. How is that guy still making movies? O_o

:m200:LOL, great comment M. He is a freak of nature. I like him in a couple of things, but how he got so huge is beyond me. He's more irritating most of the time, and butt-ugly IMHO. And you beat me too it MF! Great minds think alike!! Yes, in all likelihood your friends came in on the short (Nick Cage)bus!! :m097:
Nicolas Cage is Francis Ford Coppola's nephew.
Nicolas Cage is Francis Ford Coppola's nephew.
He changed his name and tried to avoid nepotism (though he did get his first role in Rumblefish).
And he was great in Raising Arizona. But I guess that's not enough to keep people from hating him for... being successful? :rolleyes:
Nicolas Cage is Francis Ford Coppola's nephew.

Yes, I knew this. I don't hate him persay LM. I just don't think he is a very versatile actor and can be annoying in many of his roles. I just don't see how some actors become so popular while others with seemingly more talent are not. Nick Cage is very quirky in my mind, and would come off better in more supporting roles. Too late for that now though. And I did love him in "Valley Girl"--still one butt/ug dude if you ask me!
What's with all the Cage hate? He has a family to feed too. Should he give free flyers away on the street? Work as a butt-face? How do you envision his optimal contribution to society? He shouldn't been born? :P

I liked him more recently in the Weatherman.