triggering functions on and off


Community Member
9w1, 7w6, 4w3
i have recently found a somewhat new direction in my self development, ability to trigger Si on, which i dont know if itll persist to stay or ill forget it like most other things. whatever the results, will depend on if i am to decide it as part of myself or not.

it interesting really, how by meditation or accidental stumbling findings you can find whole new ways of thinking.
when i focus into inside my head, time will subjectively slow down by a tenfold, and another tenfold when i get crystal cllear view of my past.

actually, i stumbled accross it as i was havig a revisit on my life time hobby, englih language, but one very specific section: programming it manually.
which i did a few days nonstop concentrating on my vocabulary and its use inside my head, especially reordering and finding new ways to express different thoughts with more magnificence. (swap from ne/si to the other setting most likely happened when in my past i used to program and rethink every thought i had to manually perfect my way of speaking into a personalized way, until some day i started voice acting which made me forget that focus completely only to be replaced with a wide variety of accents, peaking at an astonishing one new accent every week, and by new im saying a completely original yet understood by others. which is funny, that i invented an accent very much like northern english oop north accent without ever hearing whole accent, and the irish? O'i = i way of pronouncing i instead of A'i, and there too had never heard the accent before. well, creativity is limited by others ability to understand me, and by capabilities of human vocals only. + the brains. so yeh, creativity is quite limited considering others ability to understand is a very delicate, easily broken if left without consistent check thing.)

pretty much, the climax of my self development led me to the point of total confusion and now actually, granted me a reset through a lifetime of trying to forget my past and succeeding in it. (not a very healthy goal?) and now as im rediscovering and my sense of identity is completely gone, am left with plentiful of options to construct from. (so yeh, its been a chaos, but guess ive kind of got used to, since my whoole life has been.)

now TELL me your trigger stories or more correctly function swap stories as one cant process information without all necessary parts, even if immature. oh, and a smile here for you =) to prevent my sleep deprivation from making this dull -.-