Tron Legacy

Detective Conan

Doesn't Cast Shadows
Has anyone else seen it? I really have mixed feelings about the movie, which I may or may not jot down later.

What did you think of the movie? If you've seen the first one, do you think it's better, about the same, or worse than the original?
The best thing about it is the music. Plot wise they could have done infinitely better. The first one had a much better tone than the overall crack fiend -two second attention span- in your face feel the second one had.
SUCKED. One of the most predictable movies I'd ever seen. Stock twists everywhere that could be seen from a mile away. I thought it was a poor man's Star Wars - There's even a force push in the end!

AND that garbage movie is the reason why Thirteen was gone from House for so long.

If I want to watch a movie with an awful plot but pleasing visuals, I'll watch Eyes Wide Shut. Oh... Nicole Kidman...
The best thing about it is the music. Plot wise they could have done infinitely better. The first one had a much better tone than the overall crack fiend -two second attention span- in your face feel the second one had.

Jesus Christ! The flaunting of Daft Punk in the club scene was SOOOOO TACKY.
If I want to watch a movie with an awful plot but pleasing visuals, I'll watch AVATAR.

Fixed :P j/k doc...

I didn't think it was a terrible movie compared to the other movies in theater's today. I have seen better plots, sure; this one admittedly wasn't very good with keeping me on edge at any given point. The ending killed the whole story for me. I hate how movies, lately, have lame or empty endings like Tron Legacy did. At least the original TRON gave you an idea that things changed. However, both movies really dropped the ball on having a powerful plot.

Then there was Tron... the character after which the movie was named. Granted you should have known who Tron was after the second act, I doubt most did because of how difficult it was to find the original movie at the time of TL's theater run. The little red "T" on his armor gave it away for me. Also, WTF is with the whole "dual-wielding" thing lately? It reminded me of Kingdom Hearts...

Let's not forget the uncanny valley moments with young Flynn/CLU. Come on, we have better CGI these days. That effect didn't look at all good by the time's standards... it just looked creepy.
I didn't really feel anything for the characters at all apart from Tron.
in the plot i paralleled the creation of a entity that is in the image of the creator
like god with man - and that the son of the creator escaped the systematic world(parallels jesus etc)
and saves the purity of the systematic world/before it was destroyed
to apply to the new world in a practicle way.

duno thats just meh haha many more where that came from just babbleing