Type Soulful


life is good
Hey everyone, I am wondering if you could help me out. I'm trying to figure out how I come across on the forum and what y'all think my type might be?

Thanks :)
I'd type you as 'lovely'. A lovely person. :)
INFj for absolute sure sure.
Fi > Ni > Ti > Se > Ne > Fe > Si > Te
sort of guessing on those ones....
What are your cognitive functions soulful?? is it those that pierce posted? It can be hard to tell from that spread, looks INFP/J but that does not help much, you have an unusual high Fi yet your Ni is storng but your Fe is not the greatest either, Hmm I would say it is closer to INFP.
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Interesting.. How did you decide on that order, particularly with Ti?

Thanks. Did my type seem to be something other than INFJ before then?

No not really lol, I actually think your an INFJ, I just saw the spread Pierce posted and I thought it was your actual results, but you do seem like a storng INFJ to me.
What are your cognitive functions soulful?? is it those that pierce posted? It can be hard to tell from that spread, looks INFP/J but that does not help much, you have an unusual high Fi yet your Ni is storng but your Fe is not the greatest either, Hmm I would say it is closer to INFP.

Thanks.. My results on the cognitive process test(s) vary depending on when I take the test and which test I take. For that reason I'm a little weary about using the test to determine my type. I'm not sure how to explain this but I tend to feel very unclear about myself, (more than is common on average, I'm working through a lot internally), and this affects the validity of the results. So I'm curious how others see me because that can be more objective.
INFj for absolute sure sure.
Fi > Ni > Ti > Se > Ne > Fe > Si > Te
sort of guessing on those ones....

I'm so cool I quote myself :m036:

Fi #1 because it's pretty clear that your emotional sensitivity is almost always jacked right up. Ni because you seem very sharp and in tune with.... things.... I detected this because my Ni picked up that you were picking up on things using Ni...... just the way you write and connect the dots seems highly intuitive.

Ti because I saw that you're able to be quite analytical and straight-up with yourself.

Se because of what you said about skating, and all that artsy stuff you were saying about canvases and painting... (probably other things I read that shaped this impression that I can't pull up specifics for in my memory)

The rest were kinda stabs in the dark.
I think you are INFJ with strong Fi and maybe Ne, making you seem a little INFPish sometimes. I have only read a small fraction of your posts though, so I wouldn't know.

A cognitive functions test result would be interesting to see.
I think you are INFJ with strong Fi and maybe Ne, making you seem a little INFPish sometimes. I have only read a small fraction of your posts though, so I wouldn't know.

A cognitive functions test result would be interesting to see.

I think the same! :becky:
You seem INFPish to me.
You're probably like myself... INFJ with a very strong Fi, causing you to appear like INFP at times in certain situations. I know my P and J are within 5% of eachother when I have taken the tests. Maybe you're the same or similar.
I would agree with Ria. INFJ/INFP. My J/P are very close too. I think that is how it is with you Soulful.
That's all pretty unanimous. Neat.

This might seem odd but I have to ask, any SJ vibes coming out? or ST vibes?
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This might seem odd but I have to ask, any SJ vibes coming out? or ST vibes?

SJ would mean you use Si a lot. I'm not sure, but I don't perceive you as an Si-person. And you really seem like a feeler to me. Not ST.

After thinking a bit about it; yes I am pretty sure. You just got to be using N more than S.
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