typing yourself


is such a boss bitch.
little disclaimer: i'm no expert. i'm just trying to learn.

been trying hard to type [MENTION=3496]vaulond[/MENTION]. well, he's been trying. sometimes the cognitive functions kinda blur together for me, so i'm not helpful. after a two hour discussion, i noticed something. i've actually noticed this before, but didn't know what i was noticing.

one reason it's hard to type yourself could be that you recognize your auxiliary function in yourself before your dominant one. well, that's what i think. i guess this makes sense because you can't see your own face (without a mirror).

if you're having a hard time typing yourself read about cognitive functions (hope they are good definitions that make sense to you) and the function that hits you right away (that's me!) is probably your secondary function. go from there. i think it helped valound.

thoughts? AMIRONG? oh, if there are articles about this plz share.
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It's easiest to type yourself when you don't have other people telling you what type they think you are--that way, you aren't trying to meet their expectations... With a little introspection, figuring out how you think isn't that difficult... it just takes being honest with yourself.
I actually prefer when christmas helps me out in understanding the types. It's not been easy at all for me mainly because I see some of myself in the types that come back from when I take the test, even if they do not fully match me.
i can see where that's true, bp, but i need other people's input most of the time when making decisions. i can't be honest with myself if i don't see the truth to begin with. that's why i don't think it's a case of being honest with yourself, if you're not an Fi user.
It's not about Fi.

Why can't you see the truth? What's blocking it?
one reason it's hard to type yourself could be that you recognize your auxiliary function in yourself before your dominant one. well, that's what i think. i guess this makes sense because you can't see your own face (without a mirror).

yeah i'd agree that the order of our functions can be difficult, and because within our four letter mbti there is a longer line of set functions with a set order, finding our own can be difficult. its an involved process that involves knowledge beyond the ability to pick from 8 preferences and put them into a 4 letter abbreviation, its more of a set code.

with that said i would suggest someone diagnose their own enneagram though instead of relying on tests or general consensus, bc its implications are broader and easier to asses through a little personality awareness. tests for mbti i would argue seem more accurate from my own experience and might be a better way to find ones mbti. repeated test taking and different types of test would at least help narrow down between mbti possibilities and maybe you could self asses from there.

I don't know why it really grinds my gears when people say things like:
My Fe is getting in the way. My Fi makes it impossible to think. My Si is what makes me a snappy dresser. Blahty blahty blah :D

How can you isolate eveything down to one function?
It's all holistic babies!

I don't know why it really grinds my gears when people say things like:
My Fe is getting in the way. My Fi makes it impossible to think. My Si is what makes me a snappy dresser. Blahty blahty blah :D

How can you isolate eveything down to one function?
It's all holistic babies!

Lol. Not what i mean, but sorry for the misconception.

And to be honest, now that I think about it; I can't really articulate what i was trying to say.

btw: nanaboo, is that from Arrested Development? (Avvy)
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Sorry I just saw your response now, @christmas .
I didn't mean to come off as offensive if I did either.

I just don't think it takes an Fi user to be honest with themselves. Maybe honest isn't the right word..maybe open is.

I do agree that through dialogue we learn how other people perceive us, and this does effect our self-concept... but I don't think that's entirely reliable in determining how we function or what our motivations are as individuals because even those who we feel understand us best don't have access to see how we really think--what our motivations really are.

When you look to others for information about who you are, it's always going to be subjective, based on their experience. For example, say you are the type of person that likes to do charity or acts of kindness. Other people may perceive you as giving and kind and treat you as such. The idea that you are giving and kind is reinforced within you and incorporated into your personality. Other people can speculate as to why you do these things, but it's usually going to be based on their experience, why they would do them or wouldn't do them. I just think the individual is best equipped to discover how they function and what motivates them.

I think only a really skilled professional counselor would be able to objectively evaluate another person's mental processes and give them insight into themselves.

Anyway. I don't see how the auxillary function can overshadow the dominant one to the point where you are oblivious to your dominant function. Usually it's the dominant function overpowering the others because the others are undeveloped. The auxiliary function seems to be something that keeps the dominant function in check. For example, from what I understand, Fi can be a very self-deluding function if not checked with a developed Ne.. The same for an INFJ if Ni is not checked with Fe.

So why can't @vaulond 's first recognized function actually be his dominant function? I'm confused about that.
He is having a hard time typing himself and one function stands out to him--yet for some reason this function cannot be his first function, it has to be his auxiliary one?
How did you come to notice this?
np, i wasn't offended. i figured you had an answer and were holding out on me. =p

i don't think it takes a Fi user to be honest with themselves either. i just think it might be a lot easier. while Ni looks for answers about the outside world within Fi isn't necessarily looking for answers. it reflects like the world's best mirror. if you don't use Fi all the time, you don't have the benefit of that mirror. that's just what i think i've noticed.

well, if i thought i was a Fi user. i know for sure i'm not now. i definitely don't have that mirror.

i noticed in some people who tried to type themselves would almost always take a personality test then type as something they obviously were not. for example i test INTJ and ENFJ A LOT. if i read the descriptions of ENFJ and INTJ i can see similarities between them and my personality, but they are so not me.

i'm really not a Fe dom. i know i use Fe. i can explain Fe. I can see how and why i use Fe. i have a harder time with Ni. i know i use it a lot, but it's too ingrained for me to tell you how or when i'm using it. how do you tell someone how to do something you do automatically? it almost always takes some effort.

this has happened another time with a friend. he knew he was a sensor and that he used Si. he tests ESTJ. when he read the description for Si, he exclaimed, "that's totally me!" when we read the descriptions for the Si doms, he said, "those aren't me so much." he read the description for ESFJ, and he said "oh, this is me." so all this might just be a fluke. i'd say if you've hit a wall with typing yourself it can't hurt to try this.

jury's still out on vaulond. he tests INTP and INTJ. there's no way he's an introvert. (well, maybe)
My bf took a test on his own and got infp.. I say the same thing. No way he's an introvert... he talks to complete strangers wherever he goes. Yesterday he engaged a cashier about her stress level.

But I wonder if he got 'i' because he was referencing from me? He knew my type before he went ahead and took it. But then again he could be an infp and we are just drastically different breeds of infp.

If I go and take the tests online I get ISTP, or INTP... yet there is no way I'm an NT. I know just from knowing myself.

But I see what you are saying.