Tyson (2009)


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9w8 sp/sx
Has anyone seen the Mike Tyson documentary that came out this year? (God I hope so.)

There's one exquisite part where he is talking about his first manager/trainer Cus D'Amato, and how Cus taught him discipline and he is all teary eyed and he says, through his crying, "Cuz I knew.... That if anyone ever bullied me again.. I would [explicative] kill them."

I couldn't help watching this documentary and wondering what mbti type he is. He seemed to be very emotional and his decision to quit boxing was because his "heart" wasn't "in it" anymore.

He also talked about how when he was younger he would enjoy mugging people because he got a kick out of outsmarting them.

He's certainly a curious character..
ESTP, a very unstable ESTP.

I should watch this, excuse my french, but that motherfucker is crazy.
You should watch it. I don't even like boxing and it was fascinating...
He seemed very emotional, though. But if you suspect he's unstable that could explain it.. I wish I could find clips of it to post.. but alas.. I cannot.
You don't need clips of the documentary! You can find clips of him anywhere!


Besides do you expect an ex-con who beats people up for a living and got a tattoo on his face to be all "there"?
Well.. Errr.. I am sorta naieve..

I was just intrigued by his extreme brutality and then his intense emotionalism in the doc. Very volatile. And I don't think he's an extrovert. He talked about how he enjoyed being alone.
I trust your judgment and will need to look into this! I can't say I know much about the fella but from what you've said it sounds like he makes a great case study. I don't see it playing in theaters here, did you rent it?
He comes across as someone with brain damage. Abuse might have had a part in his objectivity of women for his pleasure and men as some threat to be beaten. I think is is very unstable. I think personally he is a psychopath. I don't think he is an extrovert. More like an introvert who sees the world from a fight or flight prospective. He chooses fight because he finds some pleasure in being stronger then everyone else. Narcissistic? That's what I can think of while I watch the clip here.
I am actually reading about his mental state right now. And also just because he is one way before, after, and during a fight does not mean he is like that all the time. What I am seeing so far is he is noted for being calm and polite to these doctors during his evaluation.

Hare's items The following findings are for research purposes only, and are not used in clinical diagnosis. These items cover the affective, interpersonal, and behavioral features. Each item is rated on a score from zero to two. The sum total determines the extent of a person's psychopathy.[6]
Factor1: Aggressive narcissism

  1. Glibness/superficial charm
  2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
  3. Pathological lying
  4. Cunning/manipulative
  5. Lack of remorse or guilt
  6. Emotionally shallow
  7. Callous/lack of empathy
  8. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
Factor2: Socially deviant lifestyle

  1. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
  2. Parasitic lifestyle
  3. Poor behavioral control
  4. Promiscuous sexual behavior
  5. Lack of realistic, long-term goals
  6. Impulsivity
  7. Irresponsibility
  8. Juvenile delinquency
  9. Early behavior problems
  10. Revocation of conditional release
Traits not correlated with either factor

  1. Many short-term marital relationships
  2. Criminal versatility
I'm going to have to find this documentary and watch it. **goes away interested**
I trust your judgment and will need to look into this! I can't say I know much about the fella but from what you've said it sounds like he makes a great case study. I don't see it playing in theaters here, did you rent it?
No, my gentleman caller downloaded it.
Hee at Gentlemen caller. You're like an elegant and languid character from a Tennessee Williams play. ::brings acd a mint julep and fans her::

Topic: I wouldn't leave my dog in a room with Mike Tyson and expect it to come out unmolested. He seems unstable. If I'm saying someone is too unstable to talk to.... there's a problem. And not be judgy... but i've never met anyone with a tattoo on their freaking FACE that wasn't a little .... um... wacky. And I heart ink. I wonder what happened in life to make him like that. Are people BORN that crazy?
LOL seriously, last night I thought up a scenario for anyone familiar with Iron Mike, and that was, if you were at a party, and you saw Mike pull in and sit down at the table behind you, what would you do?

I answered myself; I'd probably get up to use the restroom, but really I'd go to my car and go home.
For reals. I like to think of myself as a bit of a badass, but I wouldn't let that crazy mutherchucker breathe in my direction. He's so crazy I think the shit is contagious.
I'd make sure my scalpel was in easy reach, and then treat him normally...

I wouldn't even recognise him.
LOL seriously, last night I thought up a scenario for anyone familiar with Iron Mike, and that was, if you were at a party, and you saw Mike pull in and sit down at the table behind you, what would you do?

I answered myself; I'd probably get up to use the restroom, but really I'd go to my car and go home.
I would sense his eyes burning into the back of my head and I'd turn around all fast and dramatically and snarl at him and say, "Wanna arm wrestle, punk?!"
And I would either die a legend or a joke..
You'd probably get laid actually.

I'm not kidding, then at the very least you can say, you banged a psycho.
I would probably make small talk about him and then say I was in labor or something and leave.

*note to self:carry full water balloons for the next two months.*
Hmmm I'll bet he bites, though.

Was that an intentional joke?


If you didn't think he was crazy before now.