Ultimate connection


What would you say if, say, I had the ability to look at beings through their souls?
To be able to connect with the true "body" of someone? That ultimate form of communication, where true understanding of one's existence and situation occurs.

I think I posses it, and perform it through eye contact + understanding.

I would say the gift of being able to see into a persons soul manifests itself differently for everyone. I would also say it isn't always a gift, sometimes it's a curse. The vision isn't the end result, it's just the beginning. Cause after you see it, what do you do with what you see? That is very often my dilemma.

Someone once told me that with great power comes great responsibility. I don't think I'll ever forget that. Thanks [MENTION=4855]JGirl[/MENTION].
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I would say the gift of being able to see into a persons soul manifests itself differently for everyone. I would also say it isn't always a gift, sometimes it's a curse. The vision isn't the end result, it's just the beginning. Cause after you see it, what do you do with what you see? That is very often my dilemma.

Someone once told me that with great power comes great responsibility. I don't think I'll ever forget that. Thanks [MENTION=4855]JGirl[/MENTION].
actually that was peter parker (aka spiderman) who said that. i just happen to repeat it. grinzz but hey doesn't make it less true right?
First off I just want to say how truly amazing I think this forum is, and that I'm so glad I found it :)

I would say that it's a gift that comes with a price. Sometimes the price is your sanity. Many times I have felt like I was going crazy and had some sort of disease, because I could pick up on others' feelings, and was told I was overanalyzing or imagining things. It wasn't until I came across the Myers-Briggs personality test that I realized I didn't have a disorder. It was just my personality.

I think you have to embrace it, and accept it for what it is; a scary, strange, very special thing.
What would you say if, say, I had the ability to look at beings through their souls?
To be able to connect with the true "body" of someone? That ultimate form of communication, where true understanding of one's existence and situation occurs.

I think I posses it, and perform it through eye contact + understanding.

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are you talking about emotional empathy?
I call it my Ni+Fe. An INFJ inherently taps into this connection whether they realize it or not. This why the expression exists that "Hell hath no fury like an INFJ scorned" (tenfold worse if she's a woman). Because we can see into the very core of your being, we can rip one to shreds from the inside out. However, this conflicts with our stronger desire for harmony. So usually we doorslam people instead. Alternatively, it can be used for good to motivate people from there very spiritual cores. Eg: Jesus, Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr.

I have fully and consciously experienced this connection once. A kindred spirit ENFP. It was uncanny. She could literally pick out my thoughts verbatim and see through into every vulnerability within my soul. Past all walls and guards. She saw through all the layers plain as day. And I, her.
I'd say you should really stop thinking that way, because you're probably wrong, and possibly schizo... or maybe just a teenager.

You can tell a lot about a person's mindset/situation at the time just by meeting them, but to say that you can actually look into their 'soul' as if they have some sort of set identity and that you possess a 'true' understanding is a little bit insane.

Still, I've met people who did know things before so I can't rule it out completely in every case-- just most cases.
I'd say you should really stop thinking that way, because you're probably wrong, and possibly schizo... or maybe just a teenager.

You can tell a lot about a person's mindset/situation at the time just by meeting them, but to say that you can actually look into their 'soul' as if they have some sort of set identity and that you possess a 'true' understanding is a little bit insane.

Still, I've met people who did know things before so I can't rule it out completely in every case-- just most cases.

Insight is not insane.

Some folks really see and perceive things that others do not see.

People are so quick to call others insane or schizo... it isn't helpful.

@cloudfkr ...Be careful with what you are getting into. What is your motivation?
I dont know abou looking trough the souls.
But, I have had many encounters of grasping on to people's hidden secrets or experiences.
More frequently, I can grasp on with other's feelings..
Please, relate more on past experiences