Use your evil powers for good


Perilous Pixie
Hey Ho
You are a superhero. Unfortunately, your super powers are more suited to a supervillain. Your conscience would never allow you to use your powers for evil, so what are you going to do about it?

To make this more fun, you could:

a.) Name your superhero (provide a picture if you like)
b.) List your dastardly capabilities
c.) Use your imagination to suggest a gentler use for your powers

I'll start you off with an example.

I'm Blightor. I have the power to wither crops into nothingness. I choose to use this power to wither only weeds and parasitic vines, to allow pretty flowers to grow unimpeded.
(Awww bless. :) )

Your turn. :D
I am Siobhan, my powers remove oxygen at will. I use my powers to suffocate destructive fires.
I'm Arismota. I have the power to manipulate people's thoughts. I use them to rid children of their nightmares.


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I am Venomous Deathbird. My evil power is super obscene, super blasphemous, turrets syndrome. I use my evil power to soften up Islamo Fascist terrorist's for interrogation.
Captain Distracted: long distance vision and can explode things. Removes asteriods and meteors heading towards Earth before they can cause a panic for mankind. Heroic catchprase: "I hope its not cloudy tonight."
a.) Name your superhero (provide a picture if you like) - Hypnota

b.) List your dastardly capabilities - I have the ability to unleash seductive scents from the red rose; scents which can hypnotize anyone and send them into a deep sleep for a short or long period of time.

c.) Use your imagination to suggest a gentler use for your powers - A gentler use of my powers is to allow anyone who is having trouble sleeping to get a good night's rest.

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Hi there, superhero zoo. I'm DawnDraw. I have the ability to concentrate eternal darkness surrounding my enemies and me. Eventually, I use it for good purpose: I concentrate all the shadows of the world in one place, leaving the remaining area in the light, which increases solar energy production twice. Cool, huh? (not really, actually, all the ecosystems would suffer, if there was no night - but hey, at least by making a mess, i created jobs for a whole bunch of other superheroes, and they won't remain unemployed street gigolos - who's the man now)
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I am a Siren and was taught from birth to use my Voice to gain control over others through inducing Pain or Pleasure.

Because I know the Song of Evil, I am able to summon the power of my Voice to sing in antiphase, silencing the sound of Evil.

"If two interacting waves meet at a point where they are in antiphase, then destructive interference will occur."
"Complete cancellation is possible for waves with equal amplitudes."

Hi, My name is Xoltrofp.

I have the power to spew forth explosions of nuclear capacity at will.

I use this force to crush meteors into little bits to prevent them from striking my home planet, thus saving my brethren daily.
Awww..... I totally didn't see this:

Captain Distracted: long distance vision and can explode things. Removes asteriods and meteors heading towards Earth before they can cause a panic for mankind. Heroic catchprase: "I hope its not cloudy tonight."
Here is another, then:

My name is ________ (I'm bad at names. I seem to have forgotten mine)

The most toxic substance known in all the galaxy runs through my veins. A single drop of my blood could kill 10 elephants, 25 humans, 400 of any insect, and 16 goats.

Each night, I lay awake under the stars allowing countless mosquitos to feed on me to rid the world of the diseases they carry.