Very strange wake-up from a dream


Hello. So I had a very weird awakening from a dream. I lay down on my bed and fell asleep in the middle of the day. I was wandering around a school, and a well groomed young white male with good posture (military-esque) and quite serious came up to me in a challenge sort of way. But then he reached out and started gently rubbing just under the inside of my elbow on my right forearm. So I thought "lol he's gay". I started to wake up then (slowly, gradually). At one point I thought that I should try to awaken because someone IRL must be touching my arm to wake me. As I was waking up I also heard a staticy noise, like rushing water, but I made out one possible message "ride with it". When I woke up fully, nobody was touching me, and I was wearing long sleeves, but I felt like someone was rubbing my bare arm.

Meaning?? Is this a message from some entity? What entity?
That's not that strange. I've been trying to pay attention to my dreams more and there can be some weird stuff. If the guy actually was gay, this doesn't mean that you're gay if you liked him touching your elbow. I think this is just your subconscious telling you that you are comfortable with yourself.
I really hope this doesn't sound weird but every night, I kind of sort of feel this touchy sensation on the side of my neck but... I am not asleep when this happens :)) :)) well maybe it's just the air or something :)) :)) oohh and dreams are cool:)

they look so cute TOGETHER :)) :)):mhula: