Weird Al Yankovic . . .


Unleash the fandom, etc.

I secretly (not anymore it seems) like Weird Al and some (not all) of his music video parodies. I love his 80s spoofs more than anything.

(If anyone finds this stuff offensive, let me know)


:m196: *EEEEK! . . . i think i've revealed too much nerdiness.*
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I love him too - and the Dr. Demento show. Anyone? Anyone? I haven't found anyone who knew what I was talking about with Dr. Demento in a long time.

My favorite all time 'song' (not by Weird Al), is "Only Presbyterians go to Heaven" Or maybe that's a lyric in the whole thing - anyway - really dang funny. Thanks for posting this fellow nerd!

Remember how funny his MJ spinoffs were? Like 'Eat it?'
I love him too - and the Dr. Demento show. Anyone? Anyone? I haven't found anyone who knew what I was talking about with Dr. Demento in a long time.

My favorite all time 'song' (not by Weird Al), is "Only Presbyterians go to Heaven" Or maybe that's a lyric in the whole thing - anyway - really dang funny. Thanks for posting this fellow nerd!

Remember how funny his MJ spinoffs were? Like 'Eat it?'

His MJ spinoffs were the best. "Fat" anyone?
Ok, I love Weird Al. We are both Polish after all! Yes, of fuc...g course I know who Dr. Demento is! What kind of fan would I be otherwise?? His range is far and wide. MJ, Nirvana, Don McClean, Coolio....he rocks!!

His piss-take of the Extreme song 'More Than Words' was hilarious!

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I like Weird Al in a campy kinda way. Totally down with Dr. Demento. I actually didnt know he was still doing broadcasts. Anyone know where I can find his show on a webcast?
Hee...I remember Dr. Demento. He's been around for a loooong time - I remember listening to him in high school. And yep, I sang along with Weird Al, too. :D

Anyone see the movie, UHF? Bad, bad movie...but good in a Killer Tomato kind of way.
I hate stupidity and stuff, I'm too serious a points, or I'm a crazy ESTP (I do it randomly at times...)

Anyways I think it's annoying. It can be funny sometimes but it gets old fast.:m093:
Some of his stuff is funny, some is crap, most fall halfway in between. I really like his version of Michael Jackson's "Bad", and "Amish Paradise". Also the santa song, ripping off Eminem's "Slim Shady" song.