Please delete my post here, it was the wrong sub forum:
My first post in this forum. I will try to make it as brief and clear as possible. It has been a long time on a forum (I am an old guy) so i hope some things have changed (like being insulted because you consider the question dumb). I also posted on INTP (or trying too.. to get perhaps different input)
The thing is... I have done the tests several times now (I think I am at 10+), I also did one that is recommend on this forum, I did that one last night. In the beginning.. INTJ came across a lot... but, it kept switching between INTP and INTJ. But since a month or so, INFJ is popping up. The switching between INTJ and INFJ seems a bit obvious actually. They both have introverted intuition as their dominant function. INTP, however, has Introverted thinking and extraverted intuition. On those function stacks, I also read a lot but I still don't grasp it within my own personality. It's almost impossible to look into the mirror with a clear view without having some serious biases / blind spots.
I might for example simply do not want to admit I am lazy fuck... so I feel very INTJ like, because well.. those are the go getters.
Funny enough.. I let my mom do the test "for me" (so, "fill it in like you where me, mom") ... and that was an INTP. It should actually not matter that much. Because, will I live a different life tomorrow if I knew for sure I was an INTJ? No. The same goes for INTP and INFJ... But I do hate it that I don't seem to recognize what my dominant function is. And I also hate it that all of a sudden a F type is in my "tests" (it's not a test.. it's not a score. But for a lack of a better word.......).
Also, if I want to "improve" myself.. I believe I should focus most on my driver and on my co-pilot. So that messes things up a bit. Let's asume, I go with the INFJ.. I am going to work on the Fe... but, i'm actually an INTP, now I am actually working on my 3 year old.. while I perhaps should be working on my Ne.. which isn't even in the INFJ stack!!!! (well.. yeah... 5th or so).
Those tests also start to annoy me: "Do you believe decisions should be based on your heart or on your mind"?
Well.. That's not easy to answer from a biological .. neuroscience.. psychological..... and perhaps even a sociology perspective. What is your heart? What is that you mean with that? Is it the accumulation of all the information I have been gathering over the span of a life time? And, is it than "heart" or "mind"? Also... A lot of science says that your "emotion" will always decide first and then you will rationalize it with your mind". So ... I fill in "mind" .. and now I am a T type.
Not a big fan of math, but psychology is the thread of my life.
For the people deeply into MBTI: Am I giving you some signs to work with... that I am missing?
My first post in this forum. I will try to make it as brief and clear as possible. It has been a long time on a forum (I am an old guy) so i hope some things have changed (like being insulted because you consider the question dumb). I also posted on INTP (or trying too.. to get perhaps different input)
- INTJ = Ni, Te, Fi, Se
- INTP = Ti, Ne, Si, Fe
- INFJ = Ni, Fe, Ti, Se
The thing is... I have done the tests several times now (I think I am at 10+), I also did one that is recommend on this forum, I did that one last night. In the beginning.. INTJ came across a lot... but, it kept switching between INTP and INTJ. But since a month or so, INFJ is popping up. The switching between INTJ and INFJ seems a bit obvious actually. They both have introverted intuition as their dominant function. INTP, however, has Introverted thinking and extraverted intuition. On those function stacks, I also read a lot but I still don't grasp it within my own personality. It's almost impossible to look into the mirror with a clear view without having some serious biases / blind spots.
I might for example simply do not want to admit I am lazy fuck... so I feel very INTJ like, because well.. those are the go getters.
Funny enough.. I let my mom do the test "for me" (so, "fill it in like you where me, mom") ... and that was an INTP. It should actually not matter that much. Because, will I live a different life tomorrow if I knew for sure I was an INTJ? No. The same goes for INTP and INFJ... But I do hate it that I don't seem to recognize what my dominant function is. And I also hate it that all of a sudden a F type is in my "tests" (it's not a test.. it's not a score. But for a lack of a better word.......).
Also, if I want to "improve" myself.. I believe I should focus most on my driver and on my co-pilot. So that messes things up a bit. Let's asume, I go with the INFJ.. I am going to work on the Fe... but, i'm actually an INTP, now I am actually working on my 3 year old.. while I perhaps should be working on my Ne.. which isn't even in the INFJ stack!!!! (well.. yeah... 5th or so).
Those tests also start to annoy me: "Do you believe decisions should be based on your heart or on your mind"?
Well.. That's not easy to answer from a biological .. neuroscience.. psychological..... and perhaps even a sociology perspective. What is your heart? What is that you mean with that? Is it the accumulation of all the information I have been gathering over the span of a life time? And, is it than "heart" or "mind"? Also... A lot of science says that your "emotion" will always decide first and then you will rationalize it with your mind". So ... I fill in "mind" .. and now I am a T type.
Not a big fan of math, but psychology is the thread of my life.
For the people deeply into MBTI: Am I giving you some signs to work with... that I am missing?