What are you going to be for Halloween?


I thought to carry around a copy of The Giving Tree all day, but this ain't a literary crowd.
The doppler effect :D
Haha well one of my friends and I had a great idea that would make everybody laugh. I was little red riding hood and she was the big bad wolf. It was funny because she is 5'2" and I am 6'6". :P

I thought to carry around a copy of The Giving Tree all day, but this ain't a literary crowd.

Y'know, that place looks a lot like Baghdad with g-strings.
I thought to carry around a copy of The Giving Tree all day, but this ain't a literary crowd.

Shel Silverstein is fn terrifying. That costume would scare me and I would probably be like HERE TAKE THE CANDY! and slam the door in your face.
No offense.
If I were a male ginger, I'd go as Van Gogh!

And this is pretty great, too: