What do you do when your J is screaming?


Permanent Fixture
I'm going cookoo for coconuts. I'm involved in a religious community that is dysfunctional and sloppy, and no one is at the helm. I'm making a big attempt to see if I can be part of the solution, and will be meeting with the Boardf this Thursday. But honestly my patience has worn so thin. I am worried that I waited too long to act, and that whatever I accmplish will be too little to late. The word I keep hearing in my brain is "LEAVE" However I don't want to ditch the group without having done my best to help it. But I feel my irritation rising, and its going to be tricky to hide away the irritation in order to advance pragmatically.

It's like the music program. The bar is so low. The choir is sloppy, singing at the level of congregational singing, whioe the congregation doesn't hardly sing at all. It's so eimbarassing to me as a musician to have my face attached to such sloppy trashy

I came home tonight anfd told my brother, You know, this is where some pour themselvs a drink. Others smoke a joint, or a cigar. Me? I eat chocolate and go to bed.

I can't help think that I'm handling this badly.l surely there must be some tricks to the trade???????
Actually, I get this way sometimes, too. It's rare, thankfully, but it *does* happen.

And yes, it's mostly related to incompetence and laziness and a feeling of not wanting to be the one having to clean up other people's messes.

If it's possible, I'd take a bit of a break from that group for a while. Say a week? Maybe two? Just get a clear head.

And then ask yourself honestly if you're willing to dedicate time to fixing things. If you're like me, you probably dislike being in the middle of stuff. ... Fixing issues like this will almost require it, though.

If you aren't willing to take the time, you'll either have to find out a way to convince yourself that the issue is a minor one (no easy feat), or...

I don't know. Maybe you could see if there's another person who's willing to take on the mantle?
Any group can be either wonderful, or awful depending upon its leadership.

If you have talent, put it to use and see the effect it has. The one thing you will need to do is to be unremittingly intolerant of stick-in-the-muds; people who will resist improvement.
If my Jness is going off the wall I just pull out my Pness to counteract it.