What does this mean? When you get result "Unclear"


Te (Extroverted Thinking) (60%)
your valuation of / adherence to logic of external systems / hierarchies / methods

Ti (Introverted Thinking) (80%)
your valuation of / adherence to your own internally devised logic/rational

Ne (Extroverted Intuition) (60%)
your valuation of / tendency towards free association and creating with external stimuli

Ni (Introverted Intuition) (70%)
your valuation of / tendency towards internal/original free association and creativity

Se (Extroverted Sensing) (45%)
your valuation of / tendency to fully experience the world unfiltered, in the moment

Si (Introverted Sensing) (55%)
your valuation of / focus on internal sensations and reliving past moments

Fe (Extroverted Feeling) (80%)
your valuation of / adherence to external morals, ethics, traditions, customs, groups

Fi (Introverted Feeling) (80%)
your valuation of / adherence to the sanctity of your own feelings / ideals / sentiment

based on your results your type is likely - unclear

Nope. Obviously it would be different if I choose differently. That was honest test result by my half. Any recomendations for new kognitive funtions test`?
Te (Extroverted Thinking) (60%)
your valuation of / adherence to logic of external systems / hierarchies / methods

Ti (Introverted Thinking) (80%)
your valuation of / adherence to your own internally devised logic/rational

Ne (Extroverted Intuition) (60%)
your valuation of / tendency towards free association and creating with external stimuli

Ni (Introverted Intuition) (70%)
your valuation of / tendency towards internal/original free association and creativity

Se (Extroverted Sensing) (45%)
your valuation of / tendency to fully experience the world unfiltered, in the moment

Si (Introverted Sensing) (55%)
your valuation of / focus on internal sensations and reliving past moments

Fe (Extroverted Feeling) (80%)
your valuation of / adherence to external morals, ethics, traditions, customs, groups

Fi (Introverted Feeling) (80%)
your valuation of / adherence to the sanctity of your own feelings / ideals / sentiment

based on your results your type is likely - unclear


We can draw some information from this test. You score your functions as Fi = Fe = Ti > Ni > Ne = Te > Si > Se.

Disclaimer: All of the following is inference and speculation, not fact, and is solely drawn from the data given!

You score lowest on both sensing functions, so we can probably safely eliminate the sensing types. That means you're probably xNxx.

You score about equal on introverted and extroverted functions, though with a slight preference for introverted functions.

You score Fi, Fe and Ti as your highest functions, all judging functions. It often happens that people confuse the different orientations of the same functions, and according to certain interpretations of the MBTI theory we're actually strong in both orientations of the same function but prefer one over the other, so in an F dom we expect to see high Fi and high Fe, in an N dom we expect high Ni and high Ne, in an T dom we expect high Ti and Te, etc. In addition, people often confuse Ti and Fi as they're both introverted judging functions.

From this, it's likely that you're some kind of Judger primary, so INxP or ENxJ.

You score F solidly above T, so that means we can exclude INTP or ENTJ, leaving us with INFP or ENFJ as options.

From those types, I think INFP is more likely.

I wish @Ginny or @ID would chime in. ;)
We can draw some information from this test. You score your functions as Fi = Fe = Ti > Ni > Ne = Te > Si > Se.

Disclaimer: All of the following is inference and speculation, not fact, and is solely drawn from the data given!

You score lowest on both sensing functions, so we can probably safely eliminate the sensing types. That means you're probably xNxx.

You score about equal on introverted and extroverted functions, though with a slight preference for introverted functions.

You score Fi, Fe and Ti as your highest functions, all judging functions. It often happens that people confuse the different orientations of the same functions, and according to certain interpretations of the MBTI theory we're actually strong in both orientations of the same function but prefer one over the other, so in an F dom we expect to see high Fi and high Fe, in an N dom we expect high Ni and high Ne, in an T dom we expect high Ti and Te, etc. In addition, people often confuse Ti and Fi as they're both introverted judging functions.

From this, it's likely that you're some kind of Judger primary, so INxP or ENxJ.

You score F solidly above T, so that means we can exclude INTP or ENTJ, leaving us with INFP or ENFJ as options.

From those types, I think INFP is more likely.

I wish @Ginny or @ID would chime in. ;)

I was first amazed as to how you came up with this with a data set I impetuously dismissed as potentially inconclusive, but I'm even more amazed now as the test does not even appear to exist (the link is a black hole)!
We can draw some information from this test. You score your functions as Fi = Fe = Ti > Ni > Ne = Te > Si > Se.

Disclaimer: All of the following is inference and speculation, not fact, and is solely drawn from the data given!

You score lowest on both sensing functions, so we can probably safely eliminate the sensing types. That means you're probably xNxx.

You score about equal on introverted and extroverted functions, though with a slight preference for introverted functions.

You score Fi, Fe and Ti as your highest functions, all judging functions. It often happens that people confuse the different orientations of the same functions, and according to certain interpretations of the MBTI theory we're actually strong in both orientations of the same function but prefer one over the other, so in an F dom we expect to see high Fi and high Fe, in an N dom we expect high Ni and high Ne, in an T dom we expect high Ti and Te, etc. In addition, people often confuse Ti and Fi as they're both introverted judging functions.

From this, it's likely that you're some kind of Judger primary, so INxP or ENxJ.

You score F solidly above T, so that means we can exclude INTP or ENTJ, leaving us with INFP or ENFJ as options.

From those types, I think INFP is more likely.

I wish @Ginny or @ID would chime in. ;)
:<3: love this analogy Lady J, I concur INFP.
Your mental life is highly concerned with cooperation, tact, diplomacy, and harmonious human relations. In your demeanor, you tend to be friendly and sympathetic to others, winning their trust through fellow-feeling and by expressing just the right reaction at the appropriate moment. You have a delicate understanding and sensibility when it comes to understanding the power of praise and criticism for human motivation, and you often take great care to ensure that yours is fair and appropriate and delivered in such a way as to motivate people to keep striving for future growth. As a person you are warm, well-organized, and prone to speaking to people in just such a way as to bring out the best in them. However, you may find it hard to acknowledge your own negative feelings and to call out abusive streaks in others. Your most likely Jungian type is ENFJ or ESFJ.


Now I got like this.
This means you're an alien.

Try this.

Also you have to take into consideration that test results are usually based on how you perceive yourself so try not to take it as it is and learn about functions so you'll be able to know what type you are.. BUT keep in mind that you're also human so outside influences can also affect your personality. Either way, just be your awesome self.
"according to certain interpretations of the MBTI theory we're actually strong in both orientations of the same function but prefer one over the other,"

Are you saying it impossible to use both?
Not at all. It is possible to use both, you just prefer one over the other.

I'm saying:
1) function tests, like the one you took, are sometimes a bit unclear on the wording. For example a Fi user might recognize him or herself in a question that asks about Fe and hence score high on Fi and Fe.
2) people who are new to the MBTI (but also people who are more familiar with it) often mistake Fi for Fe and vice versa, hence score high on Fi and Fe.
3) certain interpretations of the MBTI say we use all 8 functions, but we have a preference for one orientation (introverted or extroverted) of a function over the other. The function in the opposite orientation is counter-valued, which means you're good at using it, so you score high on it on the test, but don't like or want to use it.

I was first amazed as to how you came up with this with a data set I impetuously dismissed as potentially inconclusive, but I'm even more amazed now as the test does not even appear to exist (the link is a black hole)!
Yeah, hence the disclaimer. Given this (noisy) data, blah blah. ;)

Also you have to take into consideration that test results are usually based on how you perceive yourself so try not to take it as it is and learn about functions so you'll be able to know what type you are.. BUT keep in mind that you're also human so outside influences can also affect your personality. Either way, just be your awesome self.
Good point! :)