TDHT, you kind of vibe 3-6-1 to me.
For now my rough estimation based on my impression of you is 3w2-6w5-1w9 so/sx, subject to change if further information comes into light.
The triad is actually 3-6-9.
Thinking back, 6w5 comes to mind.
I think this is more due to feeling that most of the other types are 'off' rather than type 6 being a good fit. (Sorry, INTP-style thinking.) See, you
1: don't seem to be very self-critical and concerned with 'rightness'
2: are helpful, but not overly so
3: don't seem particularly driven to make a name for yourself
4: not drawn to melancholy, IIRC, and not attached to identity (as an outsider or through feelings)
5: you're not a detached observer are you? You seem to like to get clear about things, but aren't driven to relate through areas of expertise.
7: ehh, I see 7's as being all over the place and carefree; which isn't really what I see in you
8: this one's pretty close too, but I don't think you are as 'present' as a type 8, if that makes any sense
9: you have a bit of difficulty seeing yourself, I think (not just here; your blog too), but you tend to speak your mind; 9's are much more serene
Ok, now that I've let my initial judgment sit a bit as I went through these other ones, I think 6w5 is the best fit because you have mentioned having lots of thoughts about what you should be doing, IIRC, and aren't so assertive and in-touch with your instincts that you can just do things and see where they lead. I think I saw a bit of self-doubt while reading your blog a while back too. On the other hand, I know you said you look to yourself for guidance, which is characteristic of 6w5 over 6w7. The pessimism that colors type 6 descriptions makes me think I've missed something though.
Hope that helps. Would love to discuss this further if you think I've misread you.
voted nine but i don't really know enough to back that up, forum posts are such a slippery slope in terms of typing someone, mbti or enneagram bc its so easy to represent another image. IM's and questions are the only way i feel comfortable enough to diagnose someone adequately through the internet, and i doubt most are comfortable enough to answer em.
TDHT, you kind of vibe 3-6-1 to me.
For now my rough estimation based on my impression of you is 3w2-6w5-1w9 so/sx, subject to change if further information comes into light.
Yeah, it's annoying when you can't pin yourself down, isn't it? I'm not sure I'm prepared to take 6w5 just because I don't fit the other descriptions as well.... then again, I haven't been able to find a decent 6w5 description to really rule that out as a possibility one way or another. The one description I found that was longer than a sentence or two was more concerned with the aesthetics and appearance (a 6w5 being the most attractive of all enneagram types, whoopdeedoo) which kind of made me get all narcissistic rather than enlightened about what a type 6w5 is like. If you have a description of that particular wing description, that would be awesome.
In some respects, a type six does fit me. I do have a lot of that type six ambivalence. I see things from multiple perspectives and can be both meek and terribly assertive at the same time. I don't quite fit the description for either counter-phobic or phobic. I'm probably more in-between.
The Six with a Five-Wing: "The Defender", By Riso and Hudson: Personality Types
The traits of the Six and those of the Five are in some degree of conflict with each other. The general orientation of Fives is toward detachment from people so that they can avoid being influenced by anyone. Sixes and Fives are both looking for safety, but Sixes look to alliances with others and commitment to systems of though for security, while Fives tend to retreat from others and to tinker with, or even dismantle, established systems of thought. Both tendencies exist in the Six with a Five-wing, producing a subtype which sees itself as fighting for the "little person," while at the same time being drawn to systems, alliance,s and beliefs which often contain strong authoritarian elements. Sixes with a Five-wing can seem like Ones because they are serious, self-controlled, and committed to specific moral, ethical, and political beliefs. Like Eights, they can also be rather outspoken and passionate in the expression of their beliefs, with less concern about being liked than the Sxi with a Seven-wing.
Healthy people of this subtype combine the Sixes capacity for organization and personal engagement with the Five's perceptiveness and curiosity. They may have a strong intellectual streak, depending on how much the Five-wing is in their overall personality. Healthy Sixes with a Five-wing often develop technical expertise and are valued as practical problem solvers; they are good communicators, educators, and pundits. They are also attracted to professions such as medicine, law, and engineering; they desire to master a sy stem of knowledge but within a field where the rules and parameters are established and known. They often get involved with political causes and community service. There is a strong identification with the underdog, and Sixes with a Five-wing may become the spokespeople or champions for groups or individuals they see as disadvantaged. Sixes with a Five-wing possess greater powers of concentration and focus than the other subtype, although they can sometimes be perceived as too narrow in their concerns. They are usually shrewed observers of the environment, particularly people, and put a premium on foresight and predicting how others will react. Their perceptions are more original than those of Sixes with a Seven-wing, but because Six is the basic type, they do come across not as intellectuals but as extremely competent, knowledgeable individuals.
The anxiety we see in average Sixes also causes people of this subtype to be more intense than Sixes with a Seven-wing. Sixes with a Five-wing are more independent than Sixes with a Seven-wing, and are less likely to go to others for reassurance, advice, or to solve their problems. They may have one or two mentors or confidants, but in most cases they will "gut out" their problems and anxieties alone. They can be very hardworking and loyal to the systems or people with whom they have identified, but this can lead to strong partisan stances and a competitiveness with rivals. Persons of this subtype tend to be constricted in the expression of their emotions, and are usually more detached, cerebral, and pessimistic. The Five-wing also adds a tendency toward secretiveness adn compartmentalization which fuels the suspisciousness of the average Six. As their insecurities escalate, they tend to see the world as dangerous. They become more reactive and aggressive, and will denounce or scapegoat any perceived threat to their security. They see others as potential enemies and fear that people may be conspiring to ruin them. Ironically, they may respond by hatching plots against others.
Unhealthy persons of this subtype become increasingly paranoid and obsessed with maintaining their security, and may go to great lengths to protect their positions. They are extremely needy, and may abuse alcohol or drugs as a way of dealing with anxiety and paranoid delusions, as well as of bolstering their inferioirty feelings. The Five-wing adds elements of cynicism and nihilism to the fearful mentality of the unhealthy Six, resulting in growing isolation, desperation, and a capacity for sociopathic actions. Intense stress will likely lead to outbreaks of rage and extremely destructive behavior accompanied by breaks with reality. Self-sabotaging, self-destructive actions bring about humiliation and punishment to atone for guilt, although the extent and nature of their self-destructiveness will be hidden from others because of their reclusive nature. There may be strong propensity for violence as well as sadomasochistic tendencies in sexual expression. Murder and suicide are both real possibilities.
Three with a two wing: The Charmer
Average: People of this subtype attempt to suppress any characteristics that interfere with their desirability, feeling that their value come from the ability to attract and even dazzle others. In short, they want others to like and admire them. They know how to "turn it on" to impress, and this often becomes a preoccupation. Their behaviour can have a smooth, artificial quality that undermines their attempt to be popular and credible. People of this subtype are often highly competitive, although usually covertly. They may resort to multiple images to satisfy their social relations and to perform in intimate situations.
Healthy: People of this subtype are more emotional and spontaneous that the 3w4. Their outgoing, vivacious quality can resembles Sevens'. They can be friendly, helpful, and generous like Twos, while maintaining the poise, self-esteem and high personal achievement of Threes. They want to be loved and have a drive to be close with people, but they sometimes substitute public life and the recognition they obtain there for a more satisfying private life and domestic stability.
--Wisdom of the Enneagram, R&H