What kind of eggs are you quiz

You Are an Omelette


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[TD] You are an outrageous and bold person. You enjoy taking risks, even if you end up falling flat on your face.
You are very open to the world, and you love to mash up the different things you love.

You leap before you look, and you try to leap as often as you can. You believe in embracing opportunities.
You are a fascinating and colorful. You've lived an interesting life, and you have lots of stories to tell. [/TD]
You Are Eggs Over Easy

You have good taste and high standards. You are very detail oriented, and you know what you want in life.
When everything is in its place and things are as they should be, you can finally relax.

You may seem like the kind of person who has things come easy for you, but it's all an illusion.
You work hard to make your life perfect, and part of this perfection is making things look effortless.
You Are a Scrambled Egg

You are spontaneous and fun. You like to mix it up in life, and you are very flexible.
You consider any day that surprises you to be a good day. You aren't big on planning and structure.

You are an agreeable, happy person. You can get along with almost anyone, and you're pretty easy to please.
You live a somewhat chaotic life, but things seem to work out for you in the end. Even when things are a mess, you come out fine at the other end.
I am a hard boiled egg.

You are down to earth and hard to rattle. You have a good head on your shoulders.
You can be a bit stubborn at times, and your determination has only paid off for you.

You are straight with people, and you expect them to be straight with you in return.
You are very no nonsense. You don't have time for pettiness or drama.
Hard Boiled

You are down to earth and hard to rattle. You have a good head on your shoulders.
You can be a bit stubborn at times, and your determination has only paid off for you.

You are straight with people, and you expect them to be straight with you in return.
You are very no nonsense. You don't have time for pettiness or drama.
You Are a Scrambled Egg


You are spontaneous and fun. You like to mix it up in life, and you are very flexible.
You consider any day that surprises you to be a good day. You aren't big on planning and structure.

You are an agreeable, happy person. You can get along with almost anyone, and you're pretty easy to please.
You live a somewhat chaotic life, but things seem to work out for you in the end. Even when things are a mess, you come out fine at the other end.

You Are Eggs Sunny Side Up

You are a complete optimist. You always wake up on the right side of the bed.
When other people see a cloudy day, you see the sun coming through. You stay upbeat and bright.

You cultivate happiness in your life. You make sure to take time to smile at the little miracles that come your way.
You try to tolerate instead of hate. You believe that negative emotions can ruin your spirit.

You Are An Egg Salad Sandwich
You are surprise to everyone. You always wake up after sleeping.
When other people see a cloudy day, you see close your eyes and murmur. You stay up late and drink alone.

You cultivate solitude in your life. You make sure to take time to leer at the little miracles that come your way.
You try to imagine pleasure over pain. You believe that instinctual emotions are the wave consciousness rides on.
You Are Eggs Over Easy


You have good taste and high standards. You are very detail oriented, and you know what you want in life.
When everything is in its place and things are as they should be, you can finally relax.

You may seem like the kind of person who has things come easy for you, but it's all an illusion.
You work hard to make your life perfect, and part of this perfection is making things look effortless.