What kind of reader are you?

Polygamist. Currently I have two on my bedside table, one in my handbag, another one in my my office(one that I have parked for the moment)....and one that I'm waiting to be handed down to me. :m097:
Introverted bigamist.

Usually when I read and enjoy a book of fiction I completely get lost in it. I identify with certain characters and feel their emotions. I “live” with them for the period of time during which I’m reading the book. I wouldn’t be able to engage with another book of fiction. However, I’m usually also reading a more philosophical book on the side, balancing fiction with non-fiction.
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Introverted bigamist.

Usually when I read and enjoy a book of fiction I completely get lost in it. I identify with certain characters and feel their emotions. I “live” with them for the period of time during which I’m reading the book. I wouldn’t be able to engage with another book of fiction. However, I’m usually also reading a more philosophical book on the side, balancing fiction with non-fiction.
This description, along with the new category, is an even better fit for me.
I'm an obsessive-monogamist-introverted reader. I'm an extremely picky reader to begin with, so when I actually like a book, I will obsess over it for weeks even after finishing reading it. As a result, I become very loyal to it, so I don't really start whoring around with other titles until I have dried up the book entirely.

Alas, it's been a while since I've been enamored by a book like that. Kinda miss it, actually :(
I have developed from a monogamist into a polygamist, my introversion applies only to fiction, and I have noticed the approach of neuroticism that is not inherent in my nature as a book reader.

I obsess only over books I like, which shows in the amount of pages I can read at once without pushing myself. I have also trouble with book-polygamy, which is probably where the neuroticism came from. A little while ago I managed to shorten the list of books being currently read by one book, which means I have now 2-4 books that I currently read. I ignore two of the four because the one I have to begin again, as I haven't proceeded too far, and the other is a feel-good-book that I read when I'm feeling low. Of the other two, one is fiction, and I am halfway through, the second is rather technical.
Definitely a polygamist. I enjoy reading multiple books at the same time. I think three books is the ideal. Two fiction, one non-fiction. I've never had any problem getting plots mixed up. I had actually never even thought that could be a problem until now. The way I read, is a lot like the way I consume media. I like to be watching a lot of shows at the same time. So it spreads out the time I have with them. I dislike binge watching, and almost take offense to the idea of just burning through a show rather than savoring it.

Unfortunately, I have do to a lot of technical reading for my job, so I'm kinda burned out on reading when I get home, and haven't been reading that much for pleasure.
Do introverts receive an electric shock if they dare to try a new genre? :puzzled:
Not an electric shock, but the gears in my head begin to rotate faster, trying to see behind the curtain of that new kind. Funny thing, though, I don't have problems with different genres (only specific ones :P), but with different worlds. It's like a culture shock to the brain, desperately trying to grasp for straws of familiarity. It's easier when the protagonist is a character that also needs to be introduced to the world, so you can always trust to get what you need to know from them.
I was a polygamist reader until I was 13 years old. Then I became a neurotic reader.

For some reason I'm "unable" to read fiction books nowadays. I can't focus on them at all anymore. I used to love novels but now I can only focus while reading non-fiction books.