What makes an INFJ unique?


Trying to be provocative here with my question, but I've been pretty dissatisfied with internet description of INFJs. They seem to overlap too much with descriptions of other types, and don't seem to show any entirely unique behaviors like most other types (Just a unique combination of things).

I'm asking because I typically test as either INTP or INFP, but my answers can depend on the context I have in mind or the state of mind I am in. These two also seem so different that I think it's strange to test as both. So what are the defining characteristics of INFJs, and how does the J express itself in this type?
really, each type is unique in there own special way...excuse the clicheness.
an INFJ is no more unique than an INTP, and an ISFJ is no less unique than an ESTP...so on and so forth.
perhaps what makes us unique (shared by INTJs) is our use of Ni which is kind of a rare dominant function. the INFJ is always (like an INFP) searching for meaning and truth, for a sense of identity (and usually uniqueness). they also like their NT cousins share a drive (usually) to greater understand the world around them...
i could go on, but let me know if you want to know more.
really, each type is unique in there own special way...excuse the clicheness.
an INFJ is no more unique than an INTP, and an ISFJ is no less unique than an ESTP...so on and so forth.
perhaps what makes us unique (shared by INTJs) is our use of Ni which is kind of a rare dominant function. the INFJ is always (like an INFP) searching for meaning and truth, for a sense of identity (and usually uniqueness). they also like their NT cousins share a drive (usually) to greater understand the world around them...
i could go on, but let me know if you want to know more.

Interesting. Would you say then that an INFJ is an INT with a stronger drive for meaning, or an INFP with a greater drive to understand the world? Is that the only difference?
Interesting. Would you say then that an INFJ is an INT with a stronger drive for meaning, or an INFP with a greater drive to understand the world? Is that the only difference?
im sure that is not the only difference no...and i think both of those statements are true... to me an INT seems to find meaning in situations while an INFJ looks for it also in people/relationships and feelings... INFPs concern to understand themselves is paramount to them. while any INF_ will want to understand themselves, INFPs place this as first priority while INFJs tend to grasp situations and other's feelings before their own...
[someone correct me if im wrong here]
while any INF_ will want to understand themselves, INFPs place this as first priority while INFJs tend to grasp situations and other's feelings before their own...
[someone correct me if im wrong here]

i can relate to this in my experience with infp friends. i notice that i usually tend to be more hopeful than they. or have an interest in a more hopeful world situation. infp friends do also hope for a better world but feel kind of overwhelmed that it can be changed, and so it's best to focus on inner meaning and happiness. these are really broad generalizations.

i think a unique thing about infj is that they can gracefully hold things that seem opposing. like acting on hunches yet being somewhat planful. and being unique and innovative yet loving some things about tradition and ritual. deeply caring about others yet deeply needing solitude.
i can relate to this in my experience with infp friends. i notice that i usually tend to be more hopeful than they. or have an interest in a more hopeful world situation. infp friends do also hope for a better world but feel kind of overwhelmed that it can be changed, and so it's best to focus on inner meaning and happiness. these are really broad generalizations.

I think a unique thing about infj is that they can gracefully hold things that seem opposing. like acting on hunches yet being somewhat planful. and being unique and innovative yet loving some things about tradition and ritual. deeply caring about others yet deeply needing solitude.

I like the contrasts you bring up about INFJ's here, because I see them as being true. It's hard to grasp this sometimes since to many holding opposing views and behaviors seems wrong and unmanagable. It goes back to Ni I think and the ability to see many sides of something. You can often see those many sides without necessarily seeing the final answer. I have been accused of being passive-agressive for this reason, but that's not really what it is. I try to be firm sometimes with my viewpoint while still trying to say I understand how and why you would feel that way. It's hard for people to grasp and it sometimes seems wishy-washy, but its not.

It's the ability to hold two sometimes opposing views, and give each their due, until a clear answer is present.
I like the contrasts you bring up about INFJ's here, because I see them as being true. It's hard to grasp this sometimes since to many holding opposing views and behaviors seems wrong and unmanagable. It goes back to Ni I think and the ability to see many sides of something. You can often see those many sides without necessarily seeing the final answer. I have been accused of being passive-agressive for this reason, but that's not really what it is. I try to be firm sometimes with my viewpoint while still trying to say I understand how and why you would feel that way. It's hard for people to grasp and it sometimes seems wishy-washy, but its not.

It's the ability to hold two sometimes opposing views, and give each their due, until a clear answer is present.

I think this is an INTP quality also, though. But with INTPs, it's more like holding opposing views about a particular question. It sounds like with INFJs it's more like holding opposing views about life.
I think this is an INTP quality also, though. But with INTPs, it's more like holding opposing views about a particular question. It sounds like with INFJs it's more like holding opposing views about life.
Si, that's correct. and not really intentionally either, we just are very dichotomous and convoluted by nature