What makes you feel important?


What makes you feel important? Is it something you do, feel, think, or have? Is it what someone says or how they feel about you or what they do for you?
id say my ability to think differently, creatively, abstractly things like this. in all reality it's silly to think that being different should give me confidence, reason being the means to be different require conformity, and both as i see it exist within humanity or life in general to accomplish the same purpose; advance or strengthen the group to which they belong, therefore making both equally important/beneficial. and also in as many ways as i may be different, i am always going to be in more ways similar. so although it does indeed seem contradictory, it still gives me confidence when i'm venturing into unknown territory.
Feeling like I have an effect on someone, perhaps?

Being invited or included to things is one, though not as big of an effect anymore since I realize now it takes some outward motivation on your own part to really get involved in "events" and such if that is what you want ;) But still nice for me to get invited to things out of the blue!
I thought about it for a bit, but I can't think of a moment or time recently, or even for quite a while, or really a long time where I felt important. Maybe not ever.

I love it when people come to me for something. Sometimes they want me to read something they wrote (short story, novel, essay, poem, their own name), sometimes they want advice. I love to help people and I love it when people want my help. It makes me feel like I'm doing something with my time.
Feeling that someone actually gains something deeper from being in a relationship or friendship with me.

I have been in few relationships and have few close friends, but that's how I like it. I am not interested in a superficial friendship or relationship with anyone, because noone really benifits from being in it. However I am interested in something deep and meaningful ith someone because it's benificial to both and because that's how true friendships are forged.

and I have to say, none of this makes me feel important as such, I think it's the wrong word, but it does make me feel worthy and like I'm being a positive force in the world rather than a negative one, and that's all I want really.
What makes you feel important? Is it something you do, feel, think, or have? Is it what someone says or how they feel about you or what they do for you?

Being able to change someone's live for the better. *cough* At least socially.

Personally, I feel quite important if I can be what I want to be.
I feel important when people seem interested in what I think and feel on personal matters. I have a job where I'm considered useful and hard to replace, I have kids who rely on me for dad stuff, and people ask me for advice on all kinds of things. But what makes me feel like I'm important, corny as it sounds, is that Fred Rodgers "because you are you" stuff. When someone asks me about my personal experiences with friendships and relationships, when they remember something I said a while back, and especially when they ask me in some specific way how I feel, those are the times when another human being cracks through my shell and makes me feel important.
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Awwwwwwww :)

heh. um that's not what i meant, but sure :D.
i was trying to ask, "what makes you feel important, anita?" seems you always have these interesting threads, but oftentimes you don't answer them...
:s just sayin'...
heh. um that's not what i meant, but sure :D.
i was trying to ask, "what makes you feel important, anita?" seems you always have these interesting threads, but oftentimes you don't answer them...
:s just sayin'...


I edited my post. See my response above.
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When people come to me for advice, when they could have gone to anyone else.
When I help somebody with something, even as simple as doing dishes at my friend's house so she doesn't have to.
When people tell me they need my help- with anything.
When people remember things I told them ages ago that even I forgot.
When someone calls me just because, or when someone I haven't seen in awhile comes to see me just because they missed me.
When someone goes out of there way to do something for me without me asking.
When people appreciate the things I do for them.

Simply being appreciated, needed, or wanted by someone for just being who I am.
When my creative output and talents are recognized as valuable.
I feel important when I am needed. Whether its my kids (very important) family, friends, or coworkers, if someone asks me for help/thoughts/advice, then I feel important :)
I guess when I can give or do something that no one else can, that makes me feel important. When whatever I do or offer can't easily be offered by anyone else. Naturally I don't feel important all that often.