What type is your partner?

Holden On

Community Member
And what about your family and close friends? I always find it fascinating to look at similarities/differences within families and friend groups, and also see what types gravitate toward each other romantically.

As for me, my husband is ESFJ (I think - I need to make him take the test again!) as is my mother.

My father and brother are both INTJ.

My best friend is ENFJ.

These all make sense to me - like genes, I seem to have inherited half of my personality from my mom, and half from my dad, while my brother takes completely after my dad. (I know it's not that simple, but I have to imagine that parenting plays a big part in the development of one's type.) My best friend is just like me except she's a very strong E. And as for my husband... well, I've always been close to my mom, so it seems natural that I would fall in love with someone whose personality is similar to hers.

Do you guys have similar experiences?
Mom- ISFJ (maybe INFJ)

gf- INTJ

Best Friends (male)
ISTJ (I think anyway)
My boyfriend is ISTP (and Chaz on these forums)
My elder sister is INTJ, and I can come out INTJ on tests a lot because of it.
My mom is INFJ too, but she's completely different than me in so many ways, I think she did the test wrong XD. We are also similar enough to get along, but I honestly have more interests in common with my Dad, especially music and movies.
My dad is probably INTJ or ISTJ, introverted, thinking and judging for sure. I'm leaning N only cause he use to draw/paint long long ago.
I always end up being friends with male T types.
Boyfriend ESTP

Sister INTJ

Parents: mom ESFJ, dad IN(F/T)P

Several of my friends are INTJs, and the three of my closest friends besides them are ENFP, ESTJ and ENFJ

I'm surrounded by extroverts and INTJs. :D

1st sis: ISFJ
2nd sis: ISFJ
3rd sis: INTP
4th sis: ESTJ

Girlfriend: INFJ

Most of the people I know in uni are SPs, I am at an art school, so I'm not surprised.
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I'm not sure what my parents are, I doubt they even know about the 16 personality types. My boyfriend is INFJ and I'm INTP.
Gf (Dove :love:): INFJ

Stepmum: INFJ
Little Sis: Speculated ESFP

Everyone else I literally have no idea.
My mom's side of the family is filled with ESFX types and ENTX types. My dad's side is filled with ISXX, with maybe an INFP (my aunt).

My mom is an ESFP, my dad is an ISTJ, my sister is an ISFJ probably but she's hard to type. Maybe an ESFJ.

Friend-wise, ISTP, ESTJ, INTJ, ISTJ, INFJ, ESTP. My life is filled with sensors.
My mom's side of the family is filled with ESFX types and ENTX types. My dad's side is filled with ISXX, with maybe an INFP (my aunt).

My mom is an ESFP, my dad is an ISTJ, my sister is an ISFJ probably but she's hard to type. Maybe an ESFJ.

Friend-wise, ISTP, ESTJ, INTJ, ISTJ, INFJ, ESTP. My life is filled with sensors.

Which is probably what inspired you to pick up a guitar. :D

But yeah my stepdad's side of the family is full of ESXP's with my stepdad as probably being ISFP as he tends to detach himself from the noisy extroverts. Man he and my mum can clash like the titans.
I don't know what he is! Sad, right? I can't figure him out and it's been almost two years....sigh.

My mom is ESTJ, dad ISTP (I think), and best friends ENTP (male) and INFJ (female).
My wife is an ESFJ and I love her to bits! (it's her birthday soon what should I get her?)

Mum: ISFJ (tested strongly INFJ on facebook but she is a massive ISFJ)

Brother 1: ESTJ perhaps
Brothers 2: ISTP perhaps
Brother 3: ISTP/ENTP?
My SO is an ISTP, I think.
1st ex husband-ESTJ.
2nd ex husband -ESTP
I seem to like SP types best. Stability, I think that is the attraction.
My father-INTP
My mother-ESFJ

1st sister-ESFJ
2nd sister ENFJ
me the oldest-INFJ
1st brother ESFP
2nd brother ISFP

Interesting how all the females are J's.
My parents are ISFP and maybe INTP, my siblings are INTJ and ISTP. I am INFJ.

My last boyfriend was an INTJ, I don't think I will be dating anymore INTJs. It stresses me out too much. I need an INFJ. :(
My partner is INFJ :)

In the past, I've had partners who were both SJ and SP. Decided I had enough of being with sensors.

My father was ESFP
My mother is ISTJ
My son is INTP, like me.

Most of my close friends are N's ... predominantly NTs.
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