What's better than free?


Is Watching You
Retired Staff
So I just got home a few weeks ago from tour with my band (it was a blast!) and I was getting ready to get back the grind of working maintenance and cooking when low and behold I get put on unpaid medical leave because I decided to be all cool and such and tear my meniscus while on tour. Going to the doc tomorrow for the final say before surgery. I've had two weeks off already and it looks like there's going to be at least two more before I can start collecting a paycheck again.

Since I've had all this free time I decided it would be a perfect time to get down into the basement and start doing some recordings again. I just set up a purevolume page so all my friends here on the forum can check out my music if they are for some reason bored enough to do so.

I hope if any of you decide you want to give me a shot, that you'll at least somewhat enjoy what you hear. If you like it enough feel free to download the album for free! (look on the right hand side of the page under the player for the link to the entire album which I recorded live tonight just after midnight. it's about 4am now). It's nothing too polished but what the hell, I'll put it out there any way.

Here's the link to the purevolume page
Sweet. I'm going to bookmark and definitely listen later, when I have a more undivided time. :D
How did you manage to tear your meniscus?

Your first track, Lulaby, reminds me of a piece called "Kiss Me":

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Wow, the beginning of the two songs sound remarkably the same. They have an almost identical chord progression, just in a different key.

I tore my meniscus being stupid at our last show on tour, it was our homecoming show in town. Near the end of our set I climbed onto a big stack of speakers and decided to jump off. I didn't realize anything was wrong until the next morning when my knee was the size of a grapefruit.
I just listened to your songs, the guitar and vocals are awesome!! :D My favorite is Her. I'm downloading the songs right now! (I hope your knee feels better soon.)
I just listened to your songs, the guitar and vocals are awesome!! :D My favorite is Her. I'm downloading the songs right now! (I hope your knee feels better soon.)

Thanks RetardedMonkey! And thank you for the well wishes too
You're very welcome! :) And THANK YOU for the free download! That was very nice of you. :D