what's my type? (enneagram, this time.)


following [MENTION=1768]Raccoon Love[/MENTION] 's lead, and since i've been curious about this, what enneagram type do i seem to be?
(i would do a poll but there's so many options including wings and all i just don't want to do that.)

[thanks in advance.]
I have to be honest with you, RWIR. It's difficult for me to discern your enneagram, but I suppose I can hazard a guess based on some of your posts.

You come across as very reserved and cautious, and even when you participate in fluff-threads, your posts are very concrete and to the point. You seem most concerned with what you find intellectually stimulating and just like [MENTION=1669]Anita[/MENTION] in that respect, you're very investigative and fond of information. In fact, I find you two have a very similar "vibe" to one another, although you're less inclined to think aloud the way she does. I've always gotten the impression that even though you don't say much, you're constantly processing and analyzing and absorbing things. The expression "still waters run deep" definitely applies to you, I think.

In light of all this, I would say that you're fairly balanced five; you don't seem to lean toward four or six wings. Then again, I only have so much information.

I hope you found this helpful :)
I have to be honest with you, RWIR. It's difficult for me to discern your enneagram, but I suppose I can hazard a guess based on some of your posts.

You come across as very reserved and cautious, and even when you participate in fluff-threads, your posts are very concrete and to the point. You seem most concerned with what you find intellectually stimulating and just like [MENTION=1669]Anita[/MENTION] in that respect, you're very investigative and fond of information. In fact, I find you two have a very similar "vibe" to one another, although you're less inclined to think aloud the way she does. I've always gotten the impression that even though you don't say much, you're constantly processing and analyzing and absorbing things. The expression "still waters run deep" definitely applies to you, I think.

In light of all this, I would say that you're fairly balanced five; you don't seem to lean toward four or six wings. Then again, I only have so much information.

I hope you found this helpful :)

thanks. i have also considered types 2 and 4. any reason i don't seem to be either of those? Or, rather, why i seem more 5 than either of those?
i see 4w5, though possibly the other way around, but def a 4 vibe one way or the other.
thanks. i have also considered types 2 and 4. any reason i don't seem to be either of those? Or, rather, why i seem more 5 than either of those?

It's very possible that you could be either a two or a four, but I am operating from a very limited viewpoint. You certainly don't showcase any of their traits online from what I've seen.
I have to be honest with you, RWIR. It's difficult for me to discern your enneagram, but I suppose I can hazard a guess based on some of your posts.

You come across as very reserved and cautious, and even when you participate in fluff-threads, your posts are very concrete and to the point. You seem most concerned with what you find intellectually stimulating and just like @Anita in that respect, you're very investigative and fond of information. In fact, I find you two have a very similar "vibe" to one another, although you're less inclined to think aloud the way she does. I've always gotten the impression that even though you don't say much, you're constantly processing and analyzing and absorbing things. The expression "still waters run deep" definitely applies to you, I think.

I get this impression from you too. You observe a lot more than you comment on. In terms of an enneagram type, I think you could be a 9 easily, or a 5. 4 is also a possibility. You seem very low key and anti-drama, lol. I could see you exiting quietly from a group situation when it got too tense, rather than making a big deal out of it.
thank you for the input, guys (generically speaking). appreciate it.
I've always gotten the impression that even though you don't say much, you're constantly processing and analyzing and absorbing things. The expression "still waters run deep" definitely applies to you, I think.
hmm. i don't really see myself as that. I've thought i can be a bit "noisy" on the forums.
also, i'm not sure i'm constantly processing or analyzing or absorbing. if i do, it isn't about much or i think i would notice. i don't know.
i like the fresh perspectives though, so thank you.
so we have the possibility of 2, 4, 5, or 9. hmmm
9w1 was mentioned as a possibility