What's the most fun you've ever had? :D


What's the most fun (non-sexual) you've ever had? :D

who, what, when, where, and why . . .
went to the park alone, lay in the grass and looked up at swaying branches and the sunny blue sky beyond. parents chasing their children, and other people nearby playing guitar and impressing one another with stories i couldn't make out. i felt beautiful!
I don't know if that would be considered fun (more enlightening) though haha.

For me? Hard to say, but I'd either have to say me being on a ski-trip, hanging out in the lodge with all my friends and friends-of-friends I didn't know as well playing dominoes after a long day on the slopes and eating warmy snacks.

Or the very end of a 60mi long kayak trip I took with some people, which was intense (first half was full of sleeping with mosquitoes, second half was kayaking agianst large waves, and the final stretch involved doing it in a small rainstorm). But it was so awesome at the same time when we treated ourselves to a nice dinner.
My roommates and I did a costume themed pub-crawl where we dressed up as bank robbers. We had these plastic water guns and real hang cuffs and Venetian masks. We made a getaway car out of an old pizza box, painted it, glittered it, and took it for a test-drive. It was so much fun, because we really, really got into character and we'd interact with the other teams who also acted out their themes and characters. It was like a big, drunken cosplay that the entire town had got in on and it was a nice bonding experience for everyone involved. lol. For weeks afterward, we'd be approached.. "hey! I remember you. You were one of the getaway girls! What up, we were the food group..." etc.
My cruise to Alaska celebrating my grandmother's bday, my cousin's college grad and my high school grad.

It was epic.

I don't know though, I've had a lot of fun in my life. Hard to pick one thing.
Camping, fishing, hiking, partying during the summers at home.
I remember back in high school, and we were pretty young (early adolescent), and while we were waiting after school for our parents to pick us up, we would sit in one of the classrooms and play hand games or just hang out. It was fun.
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Being in love in general is the most fun I've ever had and I'm not talking about sex or physical intimacy - I'm a virgin.

Things I consider fun involve either art or challenge of some kind (physical/intellectual). I love
- Photography
- Hiking
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Competitive Gaming (Starcraft 2, Unreal Tournament series)

It's really really hard for me to peg single memories as how I'm feeling at any given time colors my memories. Some of the happiest times in my life have involved the most simple of pleasures.
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Vegas at Halloween time, going to see my favorite band in concert. (Vegas should of been nuff said!)
Disneyland, Butlins, rollercoasters, fairs... I remember saying that a day in a huge swimming pool was 'the best day of my life'. I was a sad child >>"

Going to France twice was fun, actually. There wasn't much stress either time about getting lost (well, the first time my mum had her purse stolen but...).
I used to take photographs of the sunset, and i really enjoyed it.
Last time I remember was last Christmas playing Spyro with my sister in her room.
I think the most fun I ever had was going fishing and crawdad hunting with my grandfather and cousin. We used to do it a lot when I stayed with my grandparents on their farm. I had a lot of fun spending time with my grandather in general. He was always very patient and explained things well.

I really enjoy playing with wildlife and playing in the streams and lakes. I always find the peace and tranquility much more fun than the rush, chaos, and excess found at fairs, public pools, and other densely populated areas.