Which is the better representative of nerd culture?


Rothchildian Agent
Between Big Bang Theory and Community?

I think that BBT represents nerd culture but it also parodies it and the characters have outgrown it but while it gets increasingly weird community represents without poking fun at nerd culture.
Not sure either represents it. BBT is just a overload of promoting and sometimes overturning popular stereotypes and creating archetypes. Everything in that show is always so obvious or visible in defining what makes someone nerdy. Haven't watched Community very much so can't really judge.

I would add other shows for comparison such as new show Scorpion. Here's the trailer:

However, when it comes the most respectable representation of "nerd", any day I prefer Data from Star Trek: Next Gen. He made being a nerd actually look "cool" :D. His evolution seemed more natural and organic.

I had to.

I think Big Bang Theory does a good job. The kind of people who like Star Trek are usually the kind of people who like Big Bang Theory. Community to me is more of a teenager or college student show more along the lines of The Office or something. I've only seen a few of each of them though, so I'm not too familiar with either.
Neither one. Revenge of the Nerds is nerd culture. Bbt is like the mtv of nerds.
Neither one. Revenge of the Nerds is nerd culture. Bbt is like the mtv of nerds.

That is true, they are cool nerds if they are nerds in BBT.

Community does an episode which a take on Revenge of the Nerds, and other college comedies, like Animal House, its an incredibly referential show, lots of pop cultural and movie references. Then they do different styles of presentation, claymation, animation, memes and also a bunch of self-referential themes emerge, like paintball episodes being a thing, halloween and christmas episodes.

I just got through watching the entire back catalogue so I may be a bit of a fan at the moment, I like BBT too but I dont know which are best at representing nerd culture, its something I think both try to appeal to but then there's supposedly a cultural shift in that direction generally.
Nerds are by definition not cool, victims of bullies, interested in science and engineering, socially awkward, and generally unlikable. They dont have to be all these things at once. Bbt is not a good representation of this.

Ive only seen parts of community but I didnt get a nerd vibe from it all. But I did like the setting, it had an The Office kind of theme if im remembering right.
Nerds are by definition not cool, victims of bullies, interested in science and engineering, socially awkward, and generally unlikable. They dont have to be all these things at once. Bbt is not a good representation of this.

Ive only seen parts of community but I didnt get a nerd vibe from it all. But I did like the setting, it had an The Office kind of theme if im remembering right.

The later episodes are a lot different from the earlier ones, when the characters develop a little, two of the characters at least, Troy and Abed, are big into their B-Movies, sci fi (particularly a thinly veiled in show version of Dr Who), star trek etc.

I would agree that the prejorative version of what is nerdish is not what is considered cool even about the revisionist portrayal of nerds and nerdish culture or behaviour. Its a little bit like what happens in the Simpsons when Homer goes to college and befriends a group of guys who he doesnt immediately recognise as nerds until he is told.
Depends what you define as nerds.

I don't like the BBT because Sheldon is inconsistent as fuck. Sometimes he has extreme insight in social situations and sometimes he doesn't.

I like Community a lot. It's actually one of the best comedy series out there if you ask me. But it's not specifically about nerds.
Annie, Troy and Abed do show some characteristics that could be seen as nerdy. Troy and Abed more geek and Annie more bookworm.
Community is fantastic, but due to its preference for meta, I'd say it has more nerd appeal than representation of nerd culture. TBBT would be a closer approximation in representing the emotional landscape, struggles, and typical work, interests and hobbies of the typical nerd....

That being said, both shows rely heavily on stereotypes and caricatures and because they're comedy shows, everything is stretched into the hyperbole. Neither is remotely related to reality.

The IT Crowd:

The IT Crowd:

Yeah, that show was so hilarious, i was about to say the same thing. Much better than TBBT imo.