Which type gets the most out of life?

Altruistic Muse

Community Member
I suppose most people get as much out of life as they hope to! People live within the boundaries they are comfortable with. But I was discussing this with my sister and we thought ENFPs, closely followed by INFPs, have such a unique way of looking at things, and a desire to learn about people and the world and to experience things, that they are likely to have accomplished most of their goals by the time they pass. What do you guys think?
Which type get the most of life? It depends on what you want from life. To be stereotypic I would say that ESFP's get the most satisfaction from life doing exactly what they want and they always get away with it, not restricted by laws and expectations. I think ISTJs can be very satisfied when they have there lifes completely organized the way they will. While ISFPs are probably most fullfilled when creating there masterpieces and ENTJs when concoring the world

So I don't think it depends on the person itself, how determined is he to realise his dreams and how much is he in touch with what does dreams are?
It has nothing to do with type. Its about the basics of making a decisions to get the most out of life and most of us know what should be done to make it happen; but very few actually take the initiative and make it happen.
Getting the most out of life? Not sure what exactly that means...as someone once said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." Being a person that can say "yes" helps.
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Getting the most out of life? Not sure what exactly that means...as someone once said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." Being a person that can say "yes" helps.

that is so taostic and so true!! I forget it all the time!
indeed, you get the most of live by living it now!
No idea. Though I've always thought the outgoing extroverts get a lot of out of life as they don't think or analyze anywhere near the way that introverts do, they seem to just get so much satisfaction from socializing, partying, sports etc, which is incomprehensible to me. I'm very introspective, melancholy and supersonically sensitive, life is a constant struggle, I feel like I am watching myself and others but not actually living. My husband is the same, he is an INTJ and I am INFJ.
I don't think any one type gets the most out of life. For different types this has a different definition. An INFJ can get as much out of reading a book as an ESFP can get out of going out. I think people who understand themselves well enough to do what gives them fulfillment will get the most out of life.

Unless you mean who does the most in their life, in which case I don't know.
I don't think any one type gets the most out of life. For different types this has a different definition. An INFJ can get as much out of reading a book as an ESFP can get out of going out. I think people who understand themselves well enough to do what gives them fulfillment will get the most out of life.
Yes, this is very true. I get a lot of pleasure from reading books. I guess I don't feel like I get much out of life because society does not recognize the sort of talents that I have and does not appreciate or accept people like myself. I don't fit or belong anywhere.
Is there a standard definition to the phrase "getting the most out of life"? I believe it would be different for each person. It's a matter of perspective. One person might feel they are "getting the most out of life" by having a nine to five job with a family while another person sees it as traveling the world, never knowing where they might end up. I suppose I think it depends on the person and what their lifetime goals are and whether or not they took life into their own hands. No type is more likely to do it than another.
If you're either:

a) Very driven


b) Very easy to please

You can have almost anything you want.

But agreeing with the other posters, this can't really be quantified so easily. "Most" means different things to everyone. To some people, "most" might be to own a mansion or to become a world leader ... those things don't matter to me.

I think I get quite a lot out of life now, because I balance pure fun with learning, contemplation, helping other people out, and creating. The things I want from life that I don't already have are completely achievable.

And even if I don't achieve them, I can still say I enjoyed my life.

Whoever learns to peel potatoes optimally. :P

By the law of conservation of energy, all this shopping mall fraud, as attitude to life, approaches its balance with exponential speed.

And in economic sense, which won't matter at some point soon, behavioral economists and statisticians agree: the luckiest. Basically, the human brain has this weird bias to assume to be destined and deserving, when it gets lucky, so this effect gets covered under belief and conviction.

To me, life is not a shopping mall, and we got it all by birth, it belongs to us. In terms of brains, I marvel at the processing capability of the INxJ brains, and they occasionally marvel at my intuition too, which is very flattering.
The premise of the question pushes MBTI too far. You can live a full, rich life and never leave your home town. Or, you can be cosmopolitan, travel all over the world, do all kinds of exciting things and it could all mean nothing.
It has nothing to do with type. Its about the basics of making a decisions to get the most out of life and most of us know what should be done to make it happen; but very few actually take the initiative and make it happen.

well said :)
my answer ;)

All types except INFJ get the most out of life.

Scientific experiments have conclusively shown that 15 types get 66.7% out of life (which is approximately the theoretical maximum), while INFJs get -23.6% satisfaction from life.
The premise of the question pushes MBTI too far. You can live a full, rich life and never leave your home town. Or, you can be cosmopolitan, travel all over the world, do all kinds of exciting things and it could all mean nothing.

i agree wholeheartedly with this statement.
I suppose most people get as much out of life as they hope to! People live within the boundaries they are comfortable with. But I was discussing this with my sister and we thought ENFPs, closely followed by INFPs, have such a unique way of looking at things, and a desire to learn about people and the world and to experience things, that they are likely to have accomplished most of their goals by the time they pass. What do you guys think?

One study I saw that was interesting showed that different personality types get different levels of satisfaction from money. The implication was that public policies to raise incomes would only be useful for some, giving them more utility, while others' lives don't improve to the same extent. Kind of makes the corporate game to keep up with the Jones's a cruel joke for the rest of us.
I don't think type is relevant in the process of a person making a conscious decision to to make the best and most of their life.
One study I saw that was interesting showed that different personality types get different levels of satisfaction from money. The implication was that public policies to raise incomes would only be useful for some, giving them more utility, while others' lives don't improve to the same extent. Kind of makes the corporate game to keep up with the Jones's a cruel joke for the rest of us.

That's interesting. Do you remember where you found the study, or the title or author or anything? Thanks!
Yeah, the first post pretty much expressed my feelings on it...

And so did every single post afterward...