Who can become a Tarot reader?


I want to know if I would be able to use Tarot cards to predict stuff? I think it's awesome and I am a believer of it. My story is going to sound a bit cheesy(with a few bits of artificial cheese for fun : D) but here goes nothing:

I took a week off from work a while back and went and got a massage. Afterwards I asked the massage therapist if there were any good Chinese places nearby. She told me of a few and I decided on one of them to visit. Then I ordered Four Birds in a Love Nest(I think that's what it was called). I could not make up my mind on what I wanted. I just wanted some meat and veg combo. This is before I even knew Enneagrams existed but after Santa Claus(was upset, but am over it now) and now I find out that I'm a 4! I know I know, stupid right?! So then I open my fortune cookie and it reads: You will have good luck in your personal affairs. Learn Chinese: Snow, Xue. Lucky # 18, 39, 11, 23, 1, 35 (OMG! Totally not my lucky numbers!) It was like it was meant just for me! So I walk up to the cashier and pay and then got this idea, "Hey, she looks Chinese I'll ask her if she knows how to pronounce this word and totally brag about this lucky fortune cookie! Was totally off on the assumption she was Chinese but she then asked someone who was and we got that whole mess figured out. Then I say, "Yeah it's odd that the Chinese word was my last name. (She was probably thinking, "Wow if I had a nickel for every time some loon thinks these things are serious...I am so telling all my friends about this!) She goes, "Wow really!?! That's cool!". And I left.

The end. Discuss!
I have no idea what I just read.
So I am trying to figure out how you went from asking about tarot cards to fortune cookies which are not the same thing at all.

Anyone can learn to read tarot cards but not everyone is good at doing so.

Fortune cookies are for fun..

I hope this has helped you.
Anyone with an interest in nonsense or deception
So I am trying to figure out how you went from asking about tarot cards to fortune cookies which are not the same thing at all.

Anyone can learn to read tarot cards but not everyone is good at doing so.

Fortune cookies are for fun..

I hope this has helped you.

I know, I was just using that day as an example of how amazing it is to have something so commonly referred to as a silly joke actually have meaning for me. It doesn't have to be fortune cookies either, it could be anything that just reaches out to you. The hidden messages of life I guess. Thanks for the input everyone :D.
In my younger days, I read. But I soon found out it was not the cards I was reading more so the people I was reading. I have the ability to see patterns and therefore it is easy to "predict" what people's next move will be. I decided that I felt it was deceptive once I realized I was reading them and quit. Plus, I lost interest in trying to help people with the future when if you help them with their present, they can make their own futures and perhaps even make better decisions that will change the outcome of their present situation.

Just letting you know, sometimes you can read WAY too much into certain things so just try to keep that mind. Good luck!
Paging [MENTION=1855]christmas[/MENTION]
hmm, i don't use tarot to predict stuff so much. i use it for insight to a problem. it helps if you're gud at pattern recognition.
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@<a href="http://www.infjs.com/member.php?u=1855" target="_blank">christmas</a>
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I asked a question, put out a spread. Got my answer. Weird. Nice duck.

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Anyone can learn to read the tarot, though it does take a certain way of think that some are more apt at than others. Each card has a meaning, but that meaning is vague, and so in specific situations, a card can seem to mean something quite different from the last you read, and something completely different from what someone else interprets. so, basically, you have to flexible when reading. however, find that each deck has a personality, and it doesn't take to long for you to have full conversations with one.

The thing to remember though is that the tarot doens't actually predict the future, it simple extrapolates from a current state to suggest a likely future. I like to think of the tarot as a set of energies, which, when shuffled, align to the shuffler's own energy pattern (like iron filings lining up with a magnetic field). this means that reading the tarot is simply another way of looking at the person. If its yourself you're reading, the tarot is a mirror that is designed to focus on what you need to see. It its someone being read, the tarot acts a tool to get a glimps into their life, and to discuss things that they may not know need discussing, or don't know how to approach the topic.