Who here is suffering from anomie?


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
Anomie: a personal state of isolation and anxiety resulting from a lack of social control and regulation.

Generally, this is a condition that results from the lack of enforcement of norms (cultural rules) or the perceived lack of moral standards in a society. It's highly common among younger people as a culture is undergoing a technological transformation or diffusion. It is often a contributing factor in depression and may lead people feeling like the world is unstructured and meaningless.

People suffering from anomie often turn to religion or philosophy in order to curtail what they perceive as an increasingly deviant and chaotic world.
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I am suffering the exact opposite I feel the world is too structured.
I had a wicked case of anomie my first year of college. Glad I found this, now I can label it! I think I'm alright now heh.
Sorry to relate this immediately to MBTI but I can't help myself.

lack of enforcement of norms (cultural rules)

This is more likely to bother an SJ don't you think?

perceived lack of moral standards in a society

This more likely to bother Fi dominants?





unstructured and meaningless

NFJ- You guys might be prone to it.

For me, the world feels too structured, a lot of the shoulds and should nots we get told are well out of date, baseless and not useful at all.

I suppose I want different structure not more of the same.
Does that mean you perceive the world as having an over enforcement of out of date norms and no longer applicable moral codes?

You nailed it exactly. People are too closed minded. One moral I still love and live by is the act of chivalry.
I had a wicked case of anomie my first year of college. Glad I found this, now I can label it! I think I'm alright now heh.

My first thought when I read this was that you went from a small community to a large community/city. Was I close?
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You nailed it exactly. People are too closed minded. One moral I still love and live by is the act of chivalry.

Chivalry never goes out of date. :mclap:

Although the male chauvinism that is connected to it probably has.
What exactly do you mean by male chauvanism?
I sure did Satya. You are a smart cookie.
What exactly do you mean by male chauvanism?

Come on! The brave knight rescuing the damsel in distress! How many female knights are known throughout history? And what about that whole, a knight must be gentle and gracious to women?

It all supports a conception that men are inherently superior to women and that men must take care of women.
Oh that. I hate that I just like chivalry though I find it polite. Plus when I do it girls usually find it sweet. The only time I hate it is when people tell me "Now where's that chivalry you practice? Carry these for me".

Oh yeah lol 69 posts
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I sure did Satya. You are a smart cookie.

Intuitive guess. It makes sense considering that small communities are generally more highly structured and large communities are usually less structured, so moving from one to the other would bring about an immediate sense of anomie.

*Feels super smart for taking Sociology 101*
Chivalry never goes out of date. :mclap:

Although the male chauvinism that is connected to it probably has.

Chivalry was a highly complex social code involving the rights and responsibilities of both men and women. Take away what's considered these days as male chauvinism and it's no longer chivalry.

Under chivalry men had rights that they could take from men and women,
they also had responsibilities to men and women.
Under chivalry women had rights that they could take from men and women,
they also had responsibilities to men and women.

It's the fact that women had responsibilities to men, and men had rights from women that irks most people with chivalry these days. But it was an extremely intuitive and intelligent system developed for an era where power was in constant flux and dictated by the sword. I believe it was a hell of a lot more fair than most other systems in place around the world at that time (if obeyed literally).

Sorry for the rant, I just hate it when people bash chivalry for reasons that don't stem from it, but are added onto it. When I was in early high school I did a study of chivalry, knighthood and fencing. I found out that a hell of a lot of the prejudices people have for chivalry is merely hollywood based.
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I believe the world is structured, just wired wrongly.
Politics will never have the moral high ground thus renders all structure in the civilised world.. as total bollox,
It's structure is fascism to the extreme, and all the 'Sheep' totally unwittingly adhere to it, because it's right, - its the law after all, - so it must be, pah!!
it's the fundamental reason why the world in which we now live in is as fukked up as it is, when are these people gonna learn that power and greed can never structure the human soul. they just go through the motions and trust it to be, because lets face it... they never ask all the relevant questions do they..

So on that note... maybe i do suffer from it.. hmm who knows, but then again, shouldn't the question be more that of... 'why should someone of depth and moral standing who has the ability to observe the majority of society having lack of moral standards and structure, be branded any affliction at all ?'
or is it because they are the minority? the oddball? the 1 which dares to ask all the relevant questions? therefore easily labelled, ha!ha! It's a clear example of how fukked up it all is in itself, *a total contradiction*
brand me! - label me! - Number me! I know who i am.. so shouldn't the question be... do you?

love to all