
Not a fan of Sniktbub, maybe when it's out on DVD.
Gambit looks wierd and wussy, Sabretooth not grizzly enough...
Tooooooooootally gonna see this. I love the xmen movies!
Oh I am SO there.

*marks it on the calendar*
Looks better than DBe anyway.

*cries in a corner*
Gambit looks wierd and wussy, Sabretooth not grizzly enough...

Gambit's always looks wussy, though (*ducks*). I love the Cajun but c'mon...pink breastplate? Hee!

And yeah, maybe Sabes isn't as hirsute as he could be...but I don't care. Liev has the attitude and the scary down pat in the trailers. If he carries it off, I can forgive a little less hair. Who knows? Maybe he gained the hair before he reached the BH.

Man...I want to see how they made Sabes into the mindless monster of X1. They have to give that some kind of background, too. Could be a mindwipe, or something Wolvie did to him. Heh, heh, heh...
Gambit's always looks wussy, though (*ducks*). I love the Cajun but c'mon...pink breastplate? Hee!

Hey it takes a real man to stroll around in pink. :m171:

Just pictured both of them different somehow, what do I know anyway? I don't even read comics. :D
sexy guys wear pink....lets see some of our members dress in pink and then post their pics ;)
Really Manly guys wear whatever they want to wear. But don't wear pink unless it's extremely bright fluro hot pink.