would you like to learn of non-physical?

over the recent years i have been developing a system...a highly intricate system using all the laws of the known universe or cosmos and combining them into one law one whole one unity. the moulding of science and religion thought and feeling to be able to symbolically conceptualize for any of you who are willing to open your mind to it the true nature of our universe that so many of our new age are coming to understand.
here is an introduction to the world of dimensions that we tend to using our egos separate from the one in which we are living. call it the non-physical or spiritual remember they are just words.

*emotion?...where does it come from?
jung explains that it comes from whats called the self. the very centre of our sub conscious which contains within itself all of your desires past present and future?...one could make a swap of the names from self to heart maybe?..
or maybe soul? hmmmm.. the details of the conception have not changed at all have they?...

*physics?...it seems even physicists have hit a wall .
we have discovered a new what could be called a particle smallest we have ever encountered. more than 100 billion billion times smaller than a atom. called a string . all seem to be vibrating on different frequencies...

god i cbf typing much for for introduction so yeh...
remember these are all conceptualizations . but ive tought those as young as 15 the ultimate realist so you may nt be a problem
If you want to know where emotion comes from read The emotional Brain & The Synaptic self by Joseph Ladoux.

About your theory. Go ahead, lets see what you got
over the recent years i have been developing a system...a highly intricate system using all the laws of the known universe or cosmos and combining them into one law one whole one unity. ...

*emotion?...where does it come from?
jung explains that it comes from whats called the self. the very centre of our sub conscious which contains within itself all of your desires past present and future?...one could make a swap of the names from self to heart maybe?..
or maybe soul? hmmmm.. the details of the conception have not changed at all have they?...

*physics?...it seems even physicists have hit a wall .
we have discovered a new what could be called a particle smallest we have ever encountered. more than 100 billion billion times smaller than a atom. called a string . all seem to be vibrating on different frequencies...

Jungians describe "soul" as the interplay between ego and self (the ego-self axis) often represented in our psyche as our anima/animus

"Stings" have not been discovered, only postulated.

but please continue with your "Gnosis"
god i cbf typing much for for introduction so yeh...remember these are all conceptualizations . but ive tought those as young as 15 the ultimate realist so you may nt be a problem

Say what, now?
Im listening, go ahead.

Such a simple thing.

Go on.

I am waiting to be further amused.