Yet another "Ex-Gay" Leader Bites the Dust


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
As you may remember, George Reker, a leading Ex-Gay advocate, was caught with a male prostitute who he hired to carry his luggage and give him massages that involved his nether regions. Those were good times. But now one of the leaders of the Jewish "ex-gay" community is under even more serious charges.

JONAH stands for Jews Offering New Alternatives to Healing. It is a the Jewish equivalent of Christian organizations that, in the group’s words, "through psychological and spiritual counseling, peer support, and self-empowerment, seeks to reunify families, to heal the wounds surrounding homosexuality, and to provide hope."

In other words, it is part of the highly controversial "reparative therapy" that incorporates psychology and religion to "cure" gay men (primarily) and lesbians of their same-sex attraction.

Truth Wins Out is an organization founded by Wayne Besen, who wrote the book Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth that helped expose the raft of "ex-gay" organizations.

Over the past several years, many "ex-gay" leaders and spokespersons have been exposed as not only not having overcome their same-sex inclinations, but being more aggressive sexually than most out-day men.

In the spring, one of the most prominent "experts" in the field, George Rekers, was photographed with a young escort he found on In the ensuing media frenzy, late-night comics and editorial writers had a field ridiculing the "ex-gay" movement.

The fallout from this "therapy," however, is anything but humorous for the men caught up in the web of such counseling.

Now, another "ex-gay therapist" has been exposed as not only not having overcome his same-sex attraction, but using his position of authority to come onto his patients. Truth Wins Out has released a video that shows two clients of Alan Downing -- Ben Unger and Chaim Levin -- alleging "that during individual therapy sessions, Downing made them undress in front of a mirror and touch their bodies while the significantly older therapist watched. Unger and Levin call the sessions a ’psychological striptease’ and believe they were harmed by what they consider unprofessional behavior and sexual misconduct."

According to TWO, Downing admits he is still attracted to men. Nevertheless, he works for JONAH full-time as the group’s lead therapist.

"He was encouraging me, ’It’s okay Ben, you can take your shirt off’ was a man that was much older than me, and I was around 20," Unger says in the video. "At that point, I was just staring at a mirror with my shirt off and he was right behind me staring at the mirror with me at my body. Then telling me to look at my body and feel my body. It was weird."

"While I was standing there without my clothes on, he asked me to touch my genitals," says Levin. "Once again, I communicated that I was not comfortable with it. And he was like, you know, ’Just feel yourself. Just feel it for a second. So, you can grasp your masculinity physically.’"

"If you believe having a closeted gay therapist undressing clients makes one straight, than you’ll believe that playing doctor makes one a brain surgeon," Besen said. "The concept is both outrageous and ridiculous and these sick, exploitative practices should be abandoned immediately."
Anyone else notice a pattern with these guys?

It would be one thing if they were just members of these organizations, but they are the fricken leaders!
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I wonder if this is the same pattern with anti-straight leaders? I'm sure there's such a thing that exists.
I can see that being so, Satya.

What was it Shakespeare said--? "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"?

Very apt here. If you deny who you are and never come to terms with it, you'll be doing more harm than good (to yourself and to others).
I propose a formula!

The degree to which you are anti-gay is directly proportional to the likelihood that you are in the closet.

Let this formula henceforth be known as the Closet Hypothesis.
I propose a formula!

The degree to which you are anti-gay is directly proportional to the likelihood that you are in the closet.

Let this formula henceforth be known as the Closet Hypothesis.

Where is this mysterious closet though?
At least this article is not from a news parody site. Kudos to you.
So there's a massive closet filled with homosexuals and... socks?

A natural combination.

It also explains why my rainbow-coloured socks are the first to go. :P
Hm...maybe I was too hasty in coming out of the closet. Does anyone have directions in how to get back in there?
Did someone say
You know, it does kinda piss me off that the Ex-gay leader has gotten more action than I have lately. Maybe there is something to this closet thing.

Well you could claim that you're able to cure homosexualism using vast amounts of sex.

Just don't say what kind of sex and you're in the clear.