Youtube Subscription Notifications


Chaz's Lovey Bunny
Isn't the purpose of a notification for a subscription suppose to be to let you know when a new video has been added, immediately? It's no use to me if I get the email 2 days later! By then I've found the new video all on my own and had 1.5+ days to think about it and wonder why I wasn't notified.

Youtube has done this ever time, with increasing distance between the video being updated and the time it tells me about it. A year ago it'd tell me that day but 4-5 hours later, which honestly isn't too bad, but the only reason I subscribe is so I know about it the moment it happens, or as close to it as technology allows. Now its 1-2 days, which renders the function useless! I only subscribe to things I need to get the jump on right away since I'm usually racing other people to see the next vid first >.<! I'm better off refreshing the author's page every hour, I'd still get to it before youtube tells me about it!

Why is this system so slow? This is all one big electronic system, no people need to see that a video is uploaded and then personally send you and every other subscriber a message.
I actually have this issue as well. My subscription notifications only come a couple times a week, if that. And I have subscribed to a lot of channels! I am not sure why it's taking so long for us to be notified.
Youtube is all effed. They don't have their act together at all. Very buggy.
I actually have this issue as well. My subscription notifications only come a couple times a week, if that. And I have subscribed to a lot of channels! I am not sure why it's taking so long for us to be notified.
Wow, the reminds me that there are some channels I've never received notifications for at all. Do they seem to come all together in the space of a few hours, all on the same day?

Youtube is all effed. They don't have their act together at all. Very buggy.
Nope, not together at all. They are currently using all their time and resources filling every inch of the screen (including the VIDEO ITSELF) with ads! The bastards. If it wasn't "the one and only" site like it (veov or whatever tends to just be a proxy anyways) I'd leave. I never click the ads though, I can only hope most don't either.
Wow, the reminds me that there are some channels I've never received notifications for at all. Do they seem to come all together in the space of a few hours, all on the same day?

Nope, not together at all. They are currently using all their time and resources filling every inch of the screen (including the VIDEO ITSELF) with ads! The bastards. If it wasn't "the one and only" site like it (veov or whatever tends to just be a proxy anyways) I'd leave. I never click the ads though, I can only hope most don't either.

I get one single notification email from youtube, and that's it. I've stopped even looking at them now because it's totally pointless. I'm better off just logging in every day to see what's going on as opposed to waiting for them to let me know what's going on.

And about the ads, I NEVER EVER click them.
I have this issue as well. No doubt a youtube bug that'll take a while before someone fixes it. I just delete the notifications because I've probably seen/ignored the videos in the email.

I personally think the whole subscription notification thing is a waste, anyhow. Anyone with a youtube account most likely accesses the page regularly enough to see their subscription updates.
I have this issue as well. No doubt a youtube bug that'll take a while before someone fixes it. I just delete the notifications because I've probably seen/ignored the videos in the email.

I personally think the whole subscription notification thing is a waste, anyhow. Anyone with a youtube account most likely accesses the page regularly enough to see their subscription updates.
I never use my personal page in youtube. I only registered so I could make comments, and rarely use the other functions or even bother to notice there are any. Kinda what I wanted the email notes for =\. I find I get bookmark the author's pages and go to it directly to check, even if its individual. I have to plan when checking, I just do when I think of it.
I was talking to a Youtube guy a while back and he was explaining how they are trying to keep up with their data. It may take them a little while...