Zoo Tycoon


Waving Sage
Recently 2
My favorite video game.

Yes, it's old, but I still play it pretty regularly. It's got everything I love. I've never found another game more rewarding.

I get to build a "world" from the ground up, so it looks exactly the way I want it to. Pretty and organized.

I get to decide how many people are allowed to come in, even to the point of keeping them all out (which isn't the most financially ambitious choice).

I get to make all of my citizens (animals) as happy, content, and adapted to their environment as their programming allows (most allow up to 100%, a few freak animals can go to 101%). I can delete the animals who I can't make happy. I have absolute power over their reproduction. I can make the guests eat healthy food and absolutely eliminate pollution by not using Fast Food kiosks. Nobody dies unless I'm careless and choose the wrong fence, and the T-Rex eats an unsuspecting bystander or my son sits down at my desk when I get up to make a cup of tea, and he feeds an unsuspecting bystander to the T-Rex.

It's the ultimate Benign Dictator video game :humble:
I have them both, and was pretty excited leading up to the release of ZT2, but I was rather disappointed with it when I got it. It looks great, but isn't as adaptable.

I still play the original upgrade, Zoo Tycoon Complete Collection (contains Marine Mania and Dinosaur Digs add-ons).

By the way, I have versions for both computers. The Mac versions are unstable. The original ZT isn't stable in a few inconvenient but not fatal ways, ZT2 doesn't work at all (closes routinely after 5 mins of gameplay).

Both work fine on the PC.
I got Zoo Tycoon 2 for my fiance but I ended up playing it more than her.
Roller Coaster Tycoon is also good, ZenCat. Try it if you haven't.
Roller Coaster Tycoon is also good, ZenCat. Try it if you haven't.

I tried it... the guests who puked after the rides freaked me out :puke:
Are city building games one of those things that infj'ers tend to gravitate to.....cause I loved playing SimLife on the Mac (way back in the day), and I enjoy SimCity and Zeus:Master of Olympus these days.....

Although my damn kids have disappeared my game discs and can't play them anymore :(
Well I love them.

I can see how the puking would put some people off haha.
Well I love them.

I can see how the puking would put some people off haha.

Once when I saw some of my child-shaped zoo guests throwing rocks at my elephants, I put them in a cage with the tiger. Don't tell anyone though, it's not my usual style :)
I'd do that in real life if I could! Seriously.