- Enneagram
- Warlock
What an amazing ability! That's very exciting to see occurring.I hope you have an IN body experience where you see and talk with higher frequency Beings...right here...right now...on the ground. That would be a clear indication of your ability to interface with 4d and 5d while being incarnate in the human body. Woot! Well.. whatever you experience...I sure want to hear about it. It's pure magic I tell ya!! Pure Magic.
As for the particles of light affecting our body and our DNA...yes. I agree with you that's as good as way to see it as any of them out there. All I know is Light contains Codes...and those Codes interact with us to activate expansion of consciousness.
I’m getting quite proficient at inducing the in-between trance state on myself now.
Sometimes I get specific images, or I will remember something from some time ago...I do find myself talking to people, though, I need to start writing down what I see and what is said, otherwise it’s fast to forget.
Just the other night, I figured something out and I remember going “Ah-ha!” in my head, of course, now it makes sense - but for the life of me, I don’t know what it was hahahaha.
A proper journal is what I need...or at least a notepad.
It is similar to a mushroom experience in some ways and in some ways it’s very different.
Both I think are beneficial to my spiritual and emotional health.
I had to get my IV infusion today, and it flew by with me meditating like I have been lately.
Still feel kinda shitty...the medication does that for the rest of the day sometimes a few days...feels like I have the start of some kind of illness but then it goes away and my inflammation is greatly decreased.
Still...I had to go to the post office for my Etsy shop (going to Beaumont your backyard), then get some much needed eatables at the store.
Now I’m home and I forgot the damn sugar and have to put brown sugar in my coffee (which is decaf these caffeine in my diet whatsoever).
Now I’m rambling...

I have spontaneously had many lucid dreams...and I believe I have spontaneously gone out of body on quite a few this just seemed like the next logical step - learn to control it, learn to induce it at flip it on or off like a switch.
EEGs have shown that meditators who practice frequently can induce greater depth of brain waves...theta and delta waves...much, much faster than someone just beginning.
It is interesting because there is a certain amount of awareness that must be shifted I guess is the word I’m looking for...if I concentrate too hard it won’t work, that lucid state will have to relax and let that state come to YOU...then, you can start interacting...there seems to be a defined yet blurred boundary.