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  • lol. I can see what you mean :)
    I think I'm kinda partial to the tenth doctor because I saw two episodes of the ninth and then he switched to the tenth, so really he was the first one I saw. Bit of bias, but oh well
    Yeah he was a big change from the previous doctor. I didn't like him at first, but I got to like the character :)
    Which has been your favorite doctor that you have seen? Mine is the tenth but my friends swear by the fourth...
    Thank you, Barnabas. I feel like posting in that thread, one should be ready for just about anything to follow. You have had me thinking about the Seven Spirits of God this evening. Try to make good out of everything when possible. Take care.
    I know it's painful for you to realize that you're lost. But don't suppress it. Just seek understanding.

    I promise you, if you seek the Lord you will find him.

    And again, if I can be of assistance, then please let me know.
    I'm actually amazed that you are a preacher. You don't make that impression on this forum :P
    And you are a busy one. So many places to preach. You are very blessed :)
    Did you went to a school or something, for theology? Like a pastoral school, or a doctorate in theology?
    If you are to describe the doctrine of your church, what is it like? Most like catholic, baptists (the ones who are very popular in America), protestants, calvinists?
    Are you serious? That's amazing :D
    A preacher and a pastor or priest, or just a preacher?
    And at what church do you preach? Is it catholic, protestant, neo-protestant? I don't put much value in denominations, but I'm just very curious :)
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