Recent content by 54tjsioU

  1. 54tjsioU


    My roommate says that she doesn't have boundaries. What she means is that she doesn't respect other peoples boundaries. She's crazy as shit. If somebody doesn't respect your boundaries, RUN.
  2. 54tjsioU

    What Would It Take for You to Have Sex with Donald Trump?

    I'd fuck him in the ass with a spiked strap on and no lube for a shit ton of cash. Like AHS
  3. 54tjsioU

    The sites so different! o.o Where's tiny chat?? ;~;

    The sites so different! o.o Where's tiny chat?? ;~;
  4. 54tjsioU

    Thank you hush :3 And thanks for lifting my ban! Lol I tried to log on at midnight this morning...

    Thank you hush :3 And thanks for lifting my ban! Lol I tried to log on at midnight this morning and it wouldn't let me >.< You're a life saver <3
  5. 54tjsioU

    [INFJ] How should I study? study techniques please?

    Memorization study: when you have all the answers and you just need to memorize them -I'll record myself verbally saying the question and answer once, and depending on how stressed I am about the exam I'll either play it back to myself twice a day and right before the exam or just right before...
  6. 54tjsioU

    What is wrong with INFJ men?

    These all sound more like traits of an Enneagram 4, not of male INFJs in particular. Because you are a 4 you probably attract other 4s and are surrounded by men who act this way. More often than not I have found it has absolutely nothing to do with their MBTI. Though 4s do seem more prone to...
  7. 54tjsioU

    Great week with INFP he won't communicate

    Thank you for the link. I'll shove it in my teachers fucking face.
  8. 54tjsioU

    Great week with INFP he won't communicate

    There are more places on earth in general where women outnumber men. Meaning there are more women in the world all together than there are men.
  9. 54tjsioU

    Great week with INFP he won't communicate

    Less than 50%. Women outnumber men. My sociology teacher said some shit about 50/50 men and women. Fuck that guy. Fuck that guy and his stupid stupid brain. FUCK YOU HOMANN!!! FUCK YOU!! *exits the conversation again*
  10. 54tjsioU

    Great week with INFP he won't communicate

    I tell people 'don't count on me' ALL THE TIME. They usually can count on me but the idea that they can't, and telling them that they can't, gives me an easy out if I really don't care to do it. Anyhow, I just used this post to talk about myself. You guys can carry on analyzing relationship...
  11. 54tjsioU

    Are you a productive person?

    I don't agree with this one as far as ranking in order to do the most important task. This sounds that it would overwhelm people more than help them. Or maybe I'm just easily overwhelmed. I do sit at my desk and make a list of things to do however I do the least time consuming tasks first...
  12. 54tjsioU

    MTBI Obsessive intrusion and real world

    I totally go around and make people I know, and a lot of people I don't know very well or at all, take a MBTI test. And I'm not the only one who does this. Just because you have yet to experience that does not mean that all people do not go around asking each other about their cognitive...
  13. 54tjsioU

    @rep -Lol I told you!

    @rep -Lol I told you!
  14. 54tjsioU

    Storytelling Talent?

    I'm a story teller. All I do is tell stories about my life. Which is fun for me, I do like talking, and thankfully fun for those around me. Every once and a while I interact with someone who is impatient and they want to know the point of my story. Those are most annoying -_- Always thought...
  15. 54tjsioU

    Migraine and how do you deal with it?

    Yeah, what implants ;)