MTBI Obsessive intrusion and real world


So excuse the rant, I will try to be as brief as possible. Im an INFJ but recently found out a couple years ago. That being said, I research cognitive functions but not to the point of obsession. Also, and this is not to boast but rather to give some background, I have been exposed to a lot in life when dealing different people and cultures. From living in various countries, military, government work, law enforcement, personal training, and djing, I live in a real world. I never break out the MBTI book. I never speaking in Fe, Se, terms. It just doesn't register.

But anyway, I use the FB MBTI groups from time to time but I really can't deal with the "can INTPs do well with cats and dogs" questions. Everything is MBTI typing and never any real world conversations. And I always feel is if I can't exclude all other types so I don't often post INFJ only posts. But today I did one trying to rally up the INFJs. From an INFJ’s point as you know, sometimes you feel like you get all these things around you in terms of current events but many people don’t understand on a deeper level. There are some serious issues regarding the real world beyond facebook. So I decided to take a lead for the INFJs. So the first poster starts with the laugh and "are you kidding me" post.

Initially I wasn't thinking about me but possibly how this schmuck was ruining it for the other INFJs that may have wanted to vent on real world topics, not only about Fe, Ti, etc. I was expecting the first response to be edgy by another type but didn’t immediately anticipate it. I replied, and so he gave the (nah, dismissive) response. At this point, I didn’t want to bite and just gave a casual response. He then returns with “I just realized I am more accustomed to asking that question rather than answering it”- with regards to my initial post of asking INFJs to speak their minds. In real world terms, I still knew he was a rascal but I didn’t want to rub elbows and turned it down by apologizing for being a bit too rough. I felt bad a bit as if I lashed out prematurely.

And then he started with the "why are you blaming yourselfself" question after I had apologized. I feel as if he is probably reverting back to his therapy sessions or something. And inside I was like “Bro, seriously, did you just really ask me why I am blaming myself”? But still, I didn’t quite know who it was that I was dealing with so I continued to just try to relate peacefully. Then he goes on with asking me if I am “Fe” question. And now I am like yep, this guy is a sure fire button pusher and is relentless. Not only that, I just felt offended. This dude was trying to type me so hard and I'm like bro, back up. So, I told him not to take offense but that I don’t do the Fe and just work around real world. Finally, despite me telling him that I tend to analyze my affective responses meaning, I try to gauge people, he tells me that my "Fe is extremely under developed". So as you can see, he had absolutely no filter and wasn’t able to see that he had totally hi-jacked the post. I felt like he was intruding on my space. As a former police officer, I would use body language and emotion to determine their motive or agenda. I would NOT start psychoanalyzing people. Nor do I like that being done to me so opening. But still, I kept calm. Yes, despite that, I kept my composure. But I really wanted to get really nasty with ole dude. But I was thinking deeper. The post was now done (I was thinking about other INFJs now not being able to vent and have a brief meeting amongst us)

What he didn’t realize is that initial “haha” was the igniter. I already knew who he was in real world and have met many like him. They like to push buttons but when you lash out at them, the reply like "whoa, chill. I didn't say anything". A pure weasel. But I simply don’t revert to the “book” as reference; I normally would have pounced on him like a snow leopard but because I knew I was in a MBTI group, I didn't want to offend anyone. So lastly, before I finally left the group, he made remarks about not thinking or knowing of him trampling my ego and gave the "I'll be kind to you in the best way possible I could be". A typical weasel.

So at the end of the day, we can all sit here and call each other out using Fe, Si, Ti, but this is not all by the books. This is real world and we don't throw the books at each other in real world.

So just wanted to know if anyone experiences the same or similar, thanks.
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I wanted to separate this but just in case you were wondering about my background:

I often find that because of the above exposures, I have been able to tap into so many different areas and get deeper when it comes to current events. Any topic, I will be able to find interconnecting parallels and dig so deep. For example, while everyone is concerned about the Syrian Refugees being allowed to enter, I have gone way further in can identify just from a logistical stand point how the various cities will have to adjust from funding, all the way down to assimilation, monitoring, etc. Also, how police departments may end up hiring less than qualified PTSD vets in order to help with under-man, under budget policing. This would then increase the level of excessive force and so on. So I see it already. Even with djing, I consult nightclubs and djs. Because I have lived in 7 different countries and have studied cultural habits, I am able to appropriately pair music with various demographics, texture of venues, and time (whether day or night). It's really an art that many djs don't understand.
This is real world and we don't throw the books at each other in real world.

Sadly, I believe you are holding on to this notion falsely, perhaps to alleviate some pressure in knowing how many dicks are out there online and off just the same.

There are "weasels" at every turn. But, for every weasel there are ten otters... dolphins...

I appreciate your attempt to explain the INFJ brain here in some capacity, making those deeper connections which are often so difficult to fully express in the heat of the moment. We know much, and often say little.

Your specific circumstance surely provides a unique perspective, yet others also have entirely different experiences that shape them. Having more "worldly" experiences allows for more "worldly" empathy, and as an INFJ we are quick to integrate such things into our personal viewpoint. This does not make one person more or less correct with their personal views.

It's difficult to assess your situation here, as you've left the details of the interaction between you and this "weasel" very cryptic. Whatever occurred seems to be the result of a lack of empathy.
Sadly, I believe you are holding on to this notion falsely, perhaps to alleviate some pressure in knowing how many dicks are out there online and off just the same.

But of course not. People don't go around asking each other about their cognitive functions in real world. Out of all the forums that I am involved with in all the different areas of interests, and that have all types of personalities, there is never any talk of MBTI. Whenever I conduct seminars, I never encounter MBTI and I have to deal with so many different personalities that I address accordingly. However, I do notice that veteran posters do tend to thrive on the ignorant. They never ask any questions of their own and somehow feel challenged by when someone posts their own experiences rather than an ignorant question.

I wasn't trying to explain the INFJ brain here, I was explaining experiences and asking if anyone had experienced this as well. I really don't know where you get this from.
Your specific circumstance surely provides a unique perspective, yet others also have entirely different experiences that shape them.

You are speaking as if I was trying to explain how ALL INFJs think and I wasn't. Where did you get this from? And I hope that by me asking these questions, you are not feeling that I am challenging you or having lack of empathy of some sort. It just seems really odd and frustrating as if I am in some office. Again, this just doesn't feel like a normal conversation. But of course if I am too aggressive in real world and am asked to tone it down or catch myself, I certainly do it. But it is not because the MBTI book is thrown at me and someone says- "hey bro, your Ti is erupting". But I see this on forums.

And what do you mean there wasn't enough details? So after 3-4 posts you can automatically determine that someone has an "extremely under developed Fe"? Did I really need to go into details? But I ended up doing some research last night and I agree with this person. He goes on to say that we all have preferences and use them at different times based off of circumstances. People shouldn't type people unless you know them or know what they have been exposed to. But this is common sense to the fullest and I am still trying to figure out how I was suppose to give more details. But again, I know I may be coming across as aggressive and I am sorry. So one of the points that I was trying to make was because of this need to type, I feel trapped in that if I say this, I will get labeled as having to much this, or lack of this. It's like walking on egg shells whereas in real life, there is none of that. Maybe because MBTI is a totally different world. I don't know but I never feel this way, even during heated debates on other forums or in real world. This was my point.

People don't go around asking each other about their cognitive functions in real world.

I totally go around and make people I know, and a lot of people I don't know very well or at all, take a MBTI test. And I'm not the only one who does this. Just because you have yet to experience that does not mean that all people do not go around asking each other about their cognitive functions. A lot of people who know about MBTI and are generally fun loving (or awkwardly intrusive) are more prone to going up to random strangers and getting them to take the test.
For me, in the real world, this test helps me understand why I do or do not get along with people. Except when they lie while taking the test, which I have a suspicion a friend did and I'm making him take it again lol >.<

Now that being said, MBTI is a very small portion of who a person is (Enneagrams are WAY more important). And not only that, a persons functions develop throughout their life. So no, it is not easy to type someone off-cuff and be correct in typing. I have been correct a few times, but for the most part I always make them take the test because I know I don't know everything. And I've been surprised more than a few times by peoples results.

Though for you to be pissy about some dude over the internet telling you you have inferior Fe is really not justified to me. You were in a FB MBTI group page, you knew what you were getting yourself into. If you didn't then you should now. People on a MBTI page have a general interest in MBTI and chances are a lot of them know more about it than you do. If you are unsettled by people psychoanalyzing you over the internet through a page designated to psychoanalyze cognitive functions then you should not be on a MBTI page.
So after 3-4 posts you can automatically determine that someone has an "extremely under developed Fe"?

Hypocrisy. We are done here.

Your failure to understand my response and attempt to spin it in a direction that is simply advantagous to your own agenda has nothing to do with MBTI. I was not speaking in terms of MBTI. You seem to be very burned out on typing as a whole and simply wanting to voice your disdain.
First rule of forums, have no expectations of the other members. Online etiquette is different from real social etiquette. There are many of us who wouldn't behave differently between the two, but there are the others that enjoy the shroud of anonymity in order to upset other members. If you were new to the forum you wouldn't have an understanding of their online personality, but you should still be able to get an overall sense if they are using humor or just plain trolling (and if not, you will eventually learn in time.)

If you are talking about PerC, I know what you are talking about. I know the ISFJs in that forum tend to stay within our own sub-forum (and we are called out on that often.) I can imagine the INFJs are nearly the same. When I venture out of the sub-forum, I feel as though it is a field day for other types to beat me senseless. You won't get the meaningful conversations you are looking for there, the membership is too large to get to know anyone. Here and INTJforum are great places for discussion.

Good luck to you!