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  • Alright, or a chemical compound eating away at the exterior flesh, or possibly lungs.

    But I will not give you the fact that walls, or corpses can be irritated.
    Oh don't be silly, maggots don't irritate a corpse anymore than a drill irritates a wall.:P
    Sir, I think you could be a professional NT irritant.

    Do you take bookings and when are you next available?

    (Seriously, I think you must have a phrasebook of 'things to make INTP's scream inside,Part three' Hidden somewhere.)
    Yeah, I hate being the bearer of bad news. Things were getting nasty in there and I had to step in to at least try and keep some peace.

    I'm such a party pooper!
    haha its just a joke really. It was my attempt at mocking everyone on those dating sites who say things like "I cant describe myself in 250 characters or less. Just ask if you want to know." Was just frustrated at the time, thought it would be funny to put there. :)

    But you were half jokeing, do you really think that ISTJs are all gloom and doom?
    How so? That was one of the most ambiguous answers of all time. Half joking how? What is it about my profile that you are taking issue with?
    You are now my new favourite person in the entire universe. lol

    It would arguably been better without the pants
    Yes, Sandman is quite possibly, if not even certainly my favorite graphic novel. It's kind of neat to be stalking in someone's signature.
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